Our local YP team is always hunting for the latest and greatest Calgary has to offer, serving up their recommendations for where to eat, drink, shop and play. Explore these lists, then explore from Spruce Meadows to Tuscany, armed with the insights of our undercover experts. Who knows, you may find yourself sitting next to one of them at a new bar in Beltline or while browsing the racks of your favourite boutique in Inglewood.
Visiting a day spa is the perfect way to unwind and relax amidst of all of life's usual responsibilities. If you're looking for a place to spend the afternoon and let your stress melt away, head to one of these five fantastic luxury day spas in Calgary.
Calgary is a city with a rich history and boasts a wealth of high-quality museums and exhibitions. For a thought-provoking and enlightening experience, spend time at the six most interesting museums in Calgary.
Despite all the hard work that goes into weeding, whacking and whipping your yard and garden into shape, landscaping can be a labour of love. All you need are the right materials to help nature take its course. Whether you’re planting beds, patching a lawn or potting perennials, these local suppliers of landscaping materials are just a phone call away.
So the spring cleaning is done, and now you have a pile of surplus clothes, electronics, furniture and toys ready for the dump but still in usable condition. Don’t kick ’em to the curb: there are several agencies around the city that will gladly take those unwanted items and give them a fresh start.
A fresh lick of paint can make a world of difference, adding beauty and value to your home. But you don’t have to tackle such a big job by yourself. With a full spectrum of home painting services available, you can trust the experts to do the job right. These local painting companies are happy to lend a hand – and a roller.
Whether your kids need swimming lessons or you crave a wild water workout with lazy rivers and waterslides, Calgary offers state-of-the-art places where you can enjoy one or the other – and sometimes both. Rest assured that, in this town, there’s water, water, everywhere.
When planning your landscape design, keep in mind that trees and shrubs provide privacy, shade and beauty, all of which contribute to your quality of life – and property value. A good nursery will have a variety of species to choose from and the expertise to help you decide. Take your questions to these experts before you put down roots.
There’s no need to blow your budget for a new hairdo in a too-pricey salon. Some of the little guys offer all the same services as the upscale studios without charging a premium for fancy decor or extras. Get your next cut, blowout, or updo from one of these enthusiastic and friendly stylists. They offer a square deal for excellent service.
Whether you’re planting petals to brighten up your backyard or getting your fruit and vegetable garden growing, spring is the time to sow your seeds and bulbs. When the weather warms and the threat of frost has passed, get to your nearest nursery and stock up. Here are some of the best local sources for seeds and bulbs.
If having fabulous hair is your highest priority, then money is no object when selecting a stylist. Paying more can get you a higher level of professional care, better results and access to salon amenities. These upscale operations are ready and waiting to take your hair in their hands and send you home with a smile.
If quality sleep seems elusive, then your bedding could be to blame. If you’re too cold, too hot or your bed sheets are showing signs of wear, you’re due for a change. Some new linens, a cozy duvet and fresh pillows could be the ticket to deep, sweet slumber. These local shops carry everything you need in bedding.
If eyes are windows to the soul, then it’s clear as to why your eyewear is so important. The right frames and lenses not only alter your vision, but change how others see you. These fashion-forward optical stores carry the best designs to put you in the right frame of mind.
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