Amina Maquillage Artistique
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Meet the owner

“When I was starting out in the world of artistic makeup, I went to seminars at a convention in the States,” recalls Sahar Salehi, better known under the kid-friendly moniker Amina. “There, I met a bunch of professional makeup artists, people who inspired me tremendously and helped me make a decision to make a living doing makeup.”

But it was an encounter with one particular makeup artist that changed Amina’s perception of her own craft. “During a workshop, I was his model and he transformed my face into that of Michelle Pfeiffer’s cat woman from Batman Returns. When I saw myself in the mirror, I really felt what people feel after they get their makeup done, when they don’t recognize themselves and the only reaction left to be had is a smile. I knew at the time that what I wanted to do was share that feeling with my clients,” she says.

Upon her return to Montreal, Amina was motivated and ready to take on new challenges, honing her craft by continually testing new techniques and products so she could keep creating unique makeup for her clients.

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