10 winning weight loss tips

October 5, 2015

Small but important changes that you can incorporate easily into your everyday routine are the key to weight loss. After monitoring the eating and drinking habits of volunteers over an eight week period, researchers came up with these ten tips that have proven to be effective when it comes to weight loss:

  1. Keep to your meal routine. Whether you have two, three, four or five daily meals, try to eat them at roughly the same times each day.
  2. Reduce fat. Choose reduced-fat versions of foods such as dairy products, spreads and salad dressings where you can. Use these sparingly and check the labels carefully; although the fat level has been "reduced," some may still be relatively high in fat and sugar.
  3. Walk off the weight. Walk 10,000 steps (equivalent to 60–90 minutes of moderate activity) each day. You can use a pedometer to count your steps and spread the exercise through the day.
  4. Pack a healthy snack. If you like to eat snacks, choose a healthy item such as a piece of fresh fruit or low-calorie yogurt, instead of chocolate or chips.
  5. Look at the labels. Be careful about food claims. Check the fat and sugar content on food labels when shopping for and preparing food.
  6. Careful with your portions Don't heap food (except vegetables) onto your plate. Think twice before having second helpings.
  7. Get up on your feet Break up the time you spend sitting. Stand up for 10 minutes of every hour.
  8. Think about your drinks Choose water or unsweetened fruit juice. The latter is high in natural sugar, so try to limit it to one glass per day (240 millilitres/8 fl oz). Alcohol is high in calories, so limit the amount you drink.
  9. Focus on your food. Slow down. Don't eat while you are walking around or watching television. Eat at a table if possible.
  10. Don't forget your veggie servings. Eat at least seven (preferably more) servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

Put these ten weight loss tips into practice to help yourself reach your weight and health goals.

10 winning weight loss tips
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