3 cool facts about the body's ability to heal

October 2, 2015

Our bodies have an incredible capacity to heal. Here's some ways your body can regenerate, and do it better than ever before.

3 cool facts about the body's ability to heal

1. You're younger than you think

  • Scientists estimate that the average age of the cells in your body is seven to 10 years old — making you a youngster at any age.
  • Cells that face lots of wear and tear, such as skin cells, red blood cells and those that line the stomach and intestinal tract, replace each other very quickly.
  • The liver, which detoxifies every food, beverage and drug you ingest, replaces all its cells in less than 18 months.
  • The muscle cells of your heart, the inner lens of the eye and the nerve cells of your brain's cerebral cortex are the oldest tissues in your body.

2. The body regenerates more than you thought

  • Researchers have been turning up new evidence about the body's ability to regenerate and recover.
  • Scientists at Harvard Medical School recently discovered that the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, in mice at least, could regenerate. This information could help diabetes sufferers.
  • Experts at New York Medical College have found that human hearts have a limited, though impressive, ability to grow new cells.
  • We know that at least in some areas, your brain can develop stronger connections and even brand-new cells.

3. You have to use it or lose it

  • Your body has different regeneration modes. We'll call the less helpful one the "slow mechanic" and the optimal one the "young mechanic."
  • Experts now believe you can choose which body-repair mechanic will do the work.
  • Without physical activity, your body surmises that it's winter — literally.  So your body starts burning fewer calories and packing on fat.
  • The slow mechanic takes over in this "winter mode," doing minimal work and allowing your bones to thin, your muscles to weaken and more.
  • But if you get up and move around everyday, the young mechanic gets to work, bolstering key body systems and creating strong new cells.

The human body is a rare thing: it actually improves with use. If you look after your body, it can heal itself and even regenerate at speeds you may have previously thought impossible.

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