3 lesser known tools for easy home improvements

September 18, 2015

Some lesser known tools can make your home improvement jobs easier and more fun. Here are three that you may not have heard of.

3 lesser known tools for easy home improvements

1. Old world craftsman, meet the computer

  • Ever fantasize about being a world-class wood-carver but feel like you don't have the time (or talent) to achieve that lofty goal?
  • Though it comes with a hefty price tag, a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine produces three-dimensional carvings and scrollwork.
  • Point-and-click computer software creates the designs from a library, or you can draw your own images using the machine's computer interface, which then carves the image.
  • Design software is available for Macs and PCs.
  • Along with small projects, this tool can also handle large workpieces.
  • Precision sensors measure the board being fed through and detect the position of the cutting or carving bit to create the designs you choose.
  • CNC machines also handle cutting, jointing and routing.

2. Effective dust collection

  •  If you've ever tried using a shop vacuum to improvise a dust collection system, you'll appreciate having your own dust collection system in your shop.
  • These systems' rigid plastic pieces interlock to create a long hose that can bend and twist to suit your work area.
  • Attach one end of the hose to a shop vacuum, stick a nozzle on the other end, then place the nozzle next to any dust-producing power tool to collect dust near the source.
  • Unlike flimsy vacuum hoses, this hose stays where you put it.

3. Painters pyramids for freshly finished doors

  •  When you want to finish both sides of doors or shelves without waiting for one side to dry, painter's pyramids are a great solution.
  • Just flip a freshly finished or painted door over and set it on the pyramids so you can finish the other side.
  • The plastic pyramid tips make minimal contact with the wood, so they just barely mar the wet finish.

Keep these three lesser known tools in mind when you're thinking about picking up new gear to help make your home improvement jobs easier and more fun.

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