3 pro pointers to get the most from a dehumidifier

July 27, 2015

If you live in an area where you often hear, "It's not the heat — it's the humidity," a dehumidifier can be a godsend in the summer.   Taking care of your dehumidifier properly can make it more efficient and allow it to last for years. Here's how to do that simply without much effort.

3 pro pointers to get the most from a dehumidifier

Pointer #1: Must do Maintainance

  • Plug a dehumidifier into a grounded outlet. Position it so there is at least 30 centimetres (12 inches) of air space on all sides to allow adequate air circulation.
  • To avoid having to empty the dehumidifier collection tank frequently, attach a garden hose to the drain hose connector. (Sometimes the connector is hidden behind a small cover that can be pried off with a screwdriver.) Run the hose to a floor drain.
  • Every month, clean the tank with a sponge and mild detergent. Also pop off the grill and wash or replace the filter.
  • Every six to 12 months, vacuum the coils behind the filter as you would on a room air conditioner. If the fan motor has oil ports, add two drops of SAE 20 oil to each port every year.

Pointer #2: Keep it clean

Ensuring your dehumidifier is clean will help it last longer and reduce costly repair bills later.

  • Most people using a dehumidifier for the first time are surprised at how quickly the water collector tank fills. Check the water level several times a day at first. Don't be surprised if you have to empty it at least once a day.
  • Wash the water collector tank every month with water and a mild detergent, then let it dry completely.
  • Clean or replace the air filter, located under a grill at the back of the unit, at least monthly, as directed in the owner's manual.
  • Once or twice a year (depending on how much the dehumidifier is used), vacuum the coils. Use a toothbrush and mild detergent to clean the coils, taking care not to bend them. Rinse clean by spraying with water.

Pointer #3: Watch out for common problems

There are some common issues that might arise from using a dehumidifier that can be easily solved on your own.

  • Running a dehumidifier when the room temperature is below 20°C(65° F) may cause frost to form on the coils. Frosting can also occur if the coils need cleaning or if the airflow is obstructed. Improve the air flow by moving the unit farther from the wall. If frost persists, have the unit serviced.
  • The most common source of a dehumidifier leak is an overflowing water collector. Empty the collector more often. Trace the path taken by water as it drips off the coils and into the collector; if the drain hole above the collector is clogged, it will cause a leak. Check for signs of corrosion as well.

Simple maintenance that only takes a few minutes each month is key to keeping the dehumidifier, and you, happy and cool in the summer heat.

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