4 circulatory diseases you can fight through diet

October 9, 2015

Diet often plays an important role in how our body deals with illnesses. With these suggestions, you could ease some of the symptoms common to these four circulatory illnesses.

4 circulatory diseases you can fight through diet

1. Fight aneurysms with low-fat, low-salt diets

  • These balloon-like bulges form in weakened segments of the arteries, especially the aorta, the body's largest artery, which stems directly from the heart.
  • Many aneurysms are due to a congenital weakness, while others are caused by atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.
  • There's no specific dietary treatment for an aneurysm, but following a low-fat, low-salt diet can help prevent those caused by atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.
  • Consuming ample fresh fruits and vegetables will give you the vitamin C needed to strengthen and maintain blood vessels.

2. Combat intermittent claudication with exercise and a low-fat diet

  • Severe leg pain and cramps induced by walking are symptoms of intermittent claudication. A lack of oxygen due to inadequate blood flow causes the pain.
  • Atherosclerosis is responsible for most intermittent claudication. It's also common in diabetic patients.
  • Adopting a very low-fat diet and an exercise program has helped many patients.
  • Include onions and garlic, which are said to improve blood flow.
  • Patients with severe blockages, however, may require surgery to remove them.

3. Help treat phlebitis with aspirin and omega-3

  • Any inflammation of a vein is referred to as phlebitis. The large, superficial veins in the lower legs are the most commonly afflicted.
  • Although painful, this type of superficial phlebitis is not very dangerous.
  • When veins located deeper in the legs become inflamed, setting the stage for thrombophlebitis, the condition becomes more dangerous. Clots may break away and travel to the heart and lungs.
  • Phlebitis can be treated with aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs and by applying warm compresses.
  • Clot-dissolving drugs may be administered for thrombophlebitis. Other measures may be required to prevent clots from reaching vital organs.
  • Include several servings a week of fatty fish or other sources of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These fatty acids helps reduce inflammation and clot formation.
  • Your diet should also include lots of vitamin E, which helps with inflammation.
  • Gamma linolenic acid, a substance in evening primrose and borage oils, has a similar effect. Check with your doctor first, as they may interact with prescribed drugs.

4. Get your fill of omega-3s to ease Raynaud’s disease

  • This condition is characterized by periods of numbness, tingling and pain in the fingers and toes.
  • The sensations are due to constriction or spasms in the small arteries that carry blood to the extremities.
  • Typically, Raynaud's disease is set off by exposure to the cold or periods of stress.
  • For unknown reasons, two-thirds of all Raynaud's sufferers are women.
  • Smoking is blamed in many cases.
  • Some victims may also have lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory autoimmune disorders.
  • Avoiding exposure of the hands and feet to cold temperatures can usually prevent or minimize attacks.
  • Of course, not smoking and avoiding second-hand smoke is critical.
  • Eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E may help.

Circulatory diseases always require medical attention, but talk to your doctor about changing your diet and habits. They could help you lead a healthier life, and ease the symptoms of your circulatory illness.

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