4 easy fixes for vinyl flooring

July 28, 2015

Here are four common problems that can occur with vinyl flooring, and their easy solutions you can handle yourself.

4 easy fixes for vinyl flooring

1. Repairing blisters

  • Has your vinyl flooring developed a blister? Fix it before it starts to wear unevenly.
  • Just slit the blister and about one centimetre (1/2 inch) of the vinyl on either side of it with a utility knife.
  • Then cover the spot with aluminum foil and warm it with an iron. Pull up each edge of the slit and slip vinyl adhesive under it with a putty knife.
  • Press the blister flat, and wipe up any seepage with a sponge dampened with water or the recommended solvent.
  • Cover the area with a board weighted with a heavy object for 24 hours.

2. Protecting edges

  • Vinyl edges that end at a doorway or at the transition to another room need to be protected. If they're not, poorly glued edges might curl, or a heel could catch and chip the vinyl or trip you.
  • A screw-down metal threshold strip is simple to install and will protect the vinyl and give your feet a smooth transition.

3. Loose or curled tile

  • If you have a loose or curled tile, put adhesive under the edges with a trowel. Drive a small finishing nail into each corner and one along each seam.
  • Fill the nail dimples with matching-coloured caulk.

4. Replacing tiles

  • When replacing a tile, ask an employee at your local tile store for the proper adhesive for your type of tile.
  • Also get the right disposable notched applicator; the adhesive manufacturer will recommend a specific notch size to control the amount of glue that goes on the floor.
  • To make the old tile pliable and easy to remove, cover it with aluminum foil and warm it with an iron on moderate heat. Run the iron back and forth to heat the whole tile. When the tile is pliable, cut into its centre with a putty knife and pry outward to remove it. This will help you avoid damaging surrounding tiles.
  • Scrape the old adhesive from the floor with a scraper or putty knife. Test to make sure the new tile will fit the opening. If it won't, trim it to size with a utility knife and straight edge.
  • Warm the replacement tile with your iron until it's flexible. Apply the adhesive to the floor with a notched applicator and set the tile in place.
  • Clean up any excess with a sponge dampened with water or the recommended solvent. Cover the tile with a board, and weight it with a heavy object overnight.
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