4 invaluable tips to get discounts on your student vacation

November 23, 2014

When you know how to dig for good deals, budget-friendly trips are also fun. Here are four invaluable tips to get discounts on your student vacation toensure it's one you'll remember.

A student vacation offers educational enrichment, exposure to different cultures and fun for young people. Knowing what kind of deals are available, what kind of activities you prefer, and what kind of trips fit the age group you have in mind is key to ensuring a successful student vacation. Finding travel discounts can help you plan a budget-friendly trip. Below are four invaluable tips to ensure your student trip is one you'll always remember.

1. Take advantage of student discounts

Travellers between the ages of 12 and 26 are usually eligible for student discounts. Although travel packages and activities vary depending on the age group, many types of vacations are available. That includes ski or camping trips, citywide tours featuring museums and historical focal points, and special cultural exchange packages.

  • Museums, opera companies and other attractions offer individual student discounts on admission in many countries and cities. Be sure to bring your student ID in case you're asked to provide verification of your status.

2. Look for transportation discounts

Most forms of travel offer some type of student discount. Many airlines offer specific student rates and although train travel is not as popular in North America as it is in Europe, student train rates are offered that save a bit of money per person.

  • You only need to present an I.D. with your photo and date of birth to obtain the discount on certain Canadian train lines.
  • Discounts are also available in Canada and the United States for bus travel, but you must first obtain a student advantage card, which provides another option for cheaper travel.
  • If you're planning an international student trip, you'll find plenty of discount options, including the highly popular student Eurail pass.

3. Hunt around for lodging deals

Most hotels don't offer student travel discounts, but it's possible to find deals with certain hostels.

  • If you choose a hostel, be sure to research the terms of student discounts thoroughly, as you might have to pay a membership fee to take advantage of the lower rate.
  • Tour operators often negotiate independent deals with hotels and hostels, which can allow you to get lower rates on travel packages, especially if you book an entire student group.

4. Research what a discount really means

Some travel operators or airlines claim to offer a student discount that doesn't actually provide any real cash savings. Be sure to compare a number of different packages or airfares before you commit to one.

  • Schools often offer funding for students or grants for those who don't have enough money, so a bit of research about what's available through your school can help you save.

In the end, proper planning and an eye for a deal should ensure you have a great trip at a reasonable price. If you're a student, there's no better time to take a vacation than right now!

4 invaluable tips to get discounts on your student vacation
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