4 tips to keep your hands healthy and beautiful all winter

November 26, 2014

Winter is harsh on the skin, particularly your hands since they're often exposed to the elements: things such as bitterly cold air and dry central heating all take a toll and can make skin look old and weathered. Here are four tips for keeping your hands healthy and beautiful this season.

4 tips to keep your hands healthy and beautiful all winter

[Photo Credit: iStock.com/PeopleImages]

1. Wear gloves

Although it seems common sense, many people often don't put on gloves when dashing out to their cars figuring it makes no difference. But it does. Wearing gloves during the winter is a simple way of protecting your hands from the wind and cold – and their aging effects.

  • Leather gloves are more effective than cotton ones.
  • Don't forget to wear rubber gloves when doing housework, which will stop disinfectants, chemicals and hot water from damaging your skin.

Constant exposure to hot water, cold and wind will crack the skin, making it difficult to heal.

2. Moisturize your hands

Using a hand cream will nourish and moisturize your skin and keep it soft during the winter.

  • Hand moisturizers containing Shea butter or coconut oil help keep the skin soft and provide a protective barrier to trap in moisture.
  • Don't forget to include the areas between your fingers and thumbs. Take a small jar of hand cream to work so you can replenish your skin during the day.
  • In addition, you should reapply hand cream after washing your hands. This is particularly important if you work in a health-care setting where frequent hand washing takes place.

3. Be kind to your body

Dehydration affects the body and especially the skin, which leads to damaged hands. During the winter, drink plenty of water and avoid excess alcohol, which is known to dehydrate the body, leading to flaky skin.

  • Don't forget to get some fresh air too (wearing gloves) and ensure your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables that are packed with vitamins, as this boosts healing.
  • Avoid staying too close to the heater since the hot air can dehydrate your skin.

4. Treat yourself

During the winter, give your hands a treat with a nourishing skin scrub, moisturizing soak and manicure. This will help keep your hands soft and looking good for the upcoming holiday party season.

  • There's nothing quite like a pair of well-manicured hands to finish off a special outfit. Winter is the perfect time to glam up those nails!

If you follow the above tips, the cold weather won't stop you from having gorgeous hands this winter.

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