5 anxiety-causing issues you can address

November 3, 2015

Anxiety can stem from a number of issues, some of which you can be aware of and control. Here is a list of a few things that might be causing stress and anxiety that you can deal with to live a healthier life.

5 anxiety-causing issues you can address

5 everyday things that could be making you anxious

  • Anxiety is a common problem and many people experience anxiety without fully understanding the cause.
  • It can introduce a whole host of symptoms into your life, including everything from insomnia to stomach problems to issues in your career and relationship.

The good news is that it's possible to identify some little-known sources of anxiety in your life to help you feel better and be more productive.

1. Not sleeping enough

People don't realize it, but not getting enough sleep can have serious health effects over time.

  • Sleep deprivation can cause anxiety because, without sleep, your body does not have the time to repair itself from the regular psychological and physiological damage of daily life.
  • This can cause a continued feeling of stress day after day, which often manifests itself as anxiety.
  • Additionally, people who are sleep-deprived tend to have elevated levels of adrenaline, the body's stress hormone, which can make people feel anxious.

2. Gluten

  • Recently, experts have discovered that anxious feelings and consuming gluten may be related.
  • This is because gluten triggers inflammation in the brain and spurs autoimmune attacks against brain tissue, which can trigger anxiety.
  • People who experience anxiety for no reason often respond well to cutting gluten out of their diet.

3. Blood sugar

  • When people have blood sugar imbalances, they often experience physical symptoms that mimic anxiety.
  • This is because blood sugar problems can make the levels of sugar and insulin in your blood surge and crash, which creates a multitude of unstable physical and psychological symptoms, like anxiety.

4. Guilt

Many people feel guilty about things, but unresolved guilt often expresses itself as anxiety.

  • People who harbour regrets or bad feelings about something they've done often experience physical symptoms similar to anxiety, like an upset stomach or racing heart.
  • People who feel guilty can relieve their anxiety by confronting the issue they feel guilty about.

5. Social media

A study by Anxiety UK recently showed that social media can make people feel anxious about their lives or relationships with other people.

  • According to the study, more than two-thirds of people taking part had difficulty sleeping because they felt worried about interactions on social media, while 73 percent felt like they would panic if they lost their smartphone.
  • Putting down the phone or computer and focusing more on physical interpersonal reactions might be a great way to reduce anxiety in your life.
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