5 beneficial stretches for whitewater kayakers

November 3, 2015

Five beneficial stretches for whitewater kayakers

Read on to learn about five mobility-enhancing exercises for whitewater kayakers.

5 beneficial stretches for whitewater kayakers

1. The neck

Begin this stretch by sitting with your spine and neck in alignment, which will help you sit properly in your boat. Bend your head slowly to the right, aiming to touch ear to shoulder without lifting your shoulder. Hold the stretch for five deep breaths, then return to an upright position. Now perform this stretch on the left. Repeat the stretch on both sides, deepening the stretch by extending the respective arm diagonally next to your hip, palm down.

2. The hamstrings

Sit on the ground, extending one leg straight in front of you. Tuck the other leg up on your opposite thigh in a relaxed half-lotus position, while keeping your torso upright in proper alignment. Lean forward from the hips, reaching for your toes without rounding your back. Hold the stretch for four deep breaths, then switch legs. Repeat on each side three times.

3. The hip flexors

Try a low lunge yoga pose to stretch the hip flexors, a muscle group that allows you to lift your knees and bend at the waist. Begin by stepping forward in a lunge, bending the back knee and resting it on the ground. Keep the front knee directly over the ankle. With your torso upright, square your hips and shift them forward. Place your hands on your hips or reach them overhead in upward salute. Hold the pose for five deep breaths, then switch forward legs. Repeat on each side three times.

4. The shoulders

Reach your left arm straight overhead, dropping the wrist behind your head. With your right hand, grab the left elbow and pull gently until you feel a stretch. Bend your torso in the direction you're pulling to intensify the stretch. Hold for five deep breaths, then switch arms. Repeat on each side at least twice.

5. The torso

Do this stretch in your boat with your kayak paddle. Sit upright in proper alignment. Reach across your kayak, planting your left paddle blade by your right foot. Push on your top hand, using the paddle as leverage to deepen the stretch. Hold for five deep breaths, then switch sides. Paddle on.

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