5 home remedies for headaches & trouble sleeping

July 29, 2015

Many herbs are believed to ease headaches, general tension and relieve insomnia. Try these recipes to see if you find relief.

5 home remedies for headaches & trouble sleeping

1. Drink some tea

For headaches, drink 250 millilitres (one cup) of chamomile or peppermint tea. Or, make a weak infusion of lemon balm and rosemary and sip 250 millilitres (one cup) every few hours.

2. Try a massage

Relax your head, jaw, neck and shoulder muscles by massaging them. For extra relief, use a mixture of 15 millilitres (one tablespoon) of almond or apricot kernel oil and four drops each of lavender and peppermint oil.

3. Make a compress

For a soothing compress, add four drops of violet, lavender or rosemary oil to enough cider vinegar to moisten a soft cloth. Fold the cloth and apply to the forehead and the back of the neck for relief from a headache.

4. Try some herbal vinegar

For chronic headache sufferers, make up a herbal vinegar to be kept at the ready in the refrigerator.

  1. Combine 500 millilitres (two cups) of tepid cider vinegar with 350 grams (1 1/2 cups) of fresh lavender flowers in a large jar.
  2. Seal and leave in a sunny place for two to three weeks, shaking every few days.
  3. Strain through muslin and store in the refrigerator. This can be applied to compresses as well.

5. Smell your way to relief

A scented sachet may help relieve the effects of a headache.

  1. Combine 20 millilitres (four teaspoons) each of dried lavender, rose petals, chamomile and lemon balm in a soft muslin bag.
  2. Add three or four cloves.
  3. Breathe the aroma of this pillow at the first signs of a headache.
  4. Refill the sachet when the scent has faded.

Make your own scented pillow

  • For a scented sleep pillow, double the amount of mixture recommended for the headache sachet.
  • Leave out the cloves and add 100 grams (eight tablespoons) of dried hop flowers.
  • Sprinkle the mixture with a few drops of glycerine to prevent the leaves crunching together and put the mixture inside a small, soft pillow made from any natural, open-weave fabric.
  • Put the pillow under your usual pillow.

These recipes can all be made using natural ingredients. Each can soothe your symptoms and bring you relief, and many can be made in larger doses so you can always have some on hand.

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