5 reasons you need a home security system

October 13, 2015

Installing a home security system can be a big expense, but when you think about the money it could potentially save, it might well be worthwhile. Both homeowners and renters should consider investing in a home security system to protect their families and possessions. There are many things to consider when installing a home security system, and it is a big decision to make. Here are some of the biggest ways it could benefit you.

5 reasons you need a home security system

1. Protects valuables

  • This is the most obvious reason for installing a home security system.
  • Preventing home thefts can save you a lot of money and emotional strife.
  • Most of us know people who have had electronics, jewelry, art, money or other valuables stolen from their homes.
  • A home security system greatly reduces your chances of having a burglar enter your home.

2. Protects your family

  • Intruders most often target homes without security systems, and that can pose a danger to you and your family.
  • Intruders may not expect to find people inside the house, and their reaction can be unpredictable.
  • You don't want to expose your family to unnecessary risks, and having a security system gives family members enough warming time to protect themselves.

3. Protection from fires

  • Home security systems can do more than just catch break-ins; they can detect fire outbreaks.
  • Many home security systems can detect smoke and notify occupants of the fire, as well as send messages to local police and fire departments.
  • Smoke inhalation and fire are a real danger when it comes to keeping your family safe, so any extra protection is advisable.

4. Lower your homeowners insurance

  • Most homeowners have homeowners insurance.
  • This cost varies depending on where you live, what type of plan and other factors, and it also varies greatly depending on what kind of protection you have for your house.
  • If you have a home security system, it may lower your monthly payments on homeowners insurance because there is less likelihood of your house getting damaged.

5. Peace of mind

Even if a break-in never occurs, or you never have to deal with a fire in your house, your whole family benefits from the peace of mind that a home security system provides.

Home security systems can contact authorities and provide ample warning when there is any sign of danger, and knowing that you have taken this extra security measure can help you sleep better at night.

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