5 invigorating suggestions for fighting fatigue

October 2, 2015

Feeling tired? Whether you suffer from chronic fatigue or just want to boost your energy levels, try these five simple suggestions for putting some pep back in your step.

5 invigorating suggestions for fighting fatigue

1. Hit the gym

Loss of muscle strength appears again and again in studies examining the causes of tiredness or chronic fatigue.

  • Build your muscle strength to help build your energy reserves.
  • Start with a personal trainer, even for just a couple of sessions, to create a personalized program designed to gradually increase your strength.
  • If trainers don't work for you, look for specialized classes for people who have recently been inactive or have the gym manager show you the best machines and weights to use.

2. Get out for a walk

  • Aerobic exercise is just as important as strength training in alleviating tiredness.
  • Study after study has found that something as simple as a daily walk improves fatigue in cancer patients and people with chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and other serious medical conditions.

3. Breathe deeply

Cumulative stress could be the culprit behind your fatigue. That's why relaxation breathing may help.

  • It may test your patience at first, but give prolonged deep breathing a try. It's the next best thing to yoga or meditation and requires no training or skill.
  • Sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, and slowly and fully inhale through your nose. Then slowly exhale through your mouth. Keep doing it for 15 minutes.
  • For variation, feel free to add a gentle stretch or move your ankles in circles while performing the deep breathing.

4. Take short naps

  • Power naps can restore energy levels. Treat yourself to short naps of just 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Following the nap, wash your face with cold water, then go outside in the sunlight or sit under a bright lamp while you drink a cup of regular tea. These post-nap activities, alone or together, will give you more energy than the nap alone.

5. Try yoga

  • You're never too old to start it. This ancient stretching, strengthening, mind/body regimen offers something for everyone, regardless of physical condition.
  • In one survey, 25 percent of people with unexplained fatigue who added yoga to their activities found it improved their fatigue throughout the two-year study period.
  • Try the form called pranayama. It combines breathing techniques and stretching.

Low energy levels can put a strain on your health, your employment and your relationships. While chronic fatigue is a serious issue that should be addressed by your doctor, trying these basic fatigue-fighting methods may help you feel more energized.

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