5 tips for parents coping with a child with ADHD

November 14, 2014

Every parent has to face challenges when it comes to raising children. If you are the parent of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the challenges can seem insurmountable at times. While many professionals will tell you that you just are not trying hard enough, they have probably never coped with a child with ADHD. Here are some tips on how to cope with your ADHD affected child without losing your patience.

5 tips for parents coping with a child with ADHD

1. Do not blame yourself

The first rule of parenting a child with ADHD is not blaming yourself. It is all too easy for parents to feel that their child's behavioural problems stem from something that they are doing wrong. While good parenting skills are important to keep your child under control, experts have proven that ADHD behavioural problems have more to do with the child's brain chemistry than anything the parents could have or could not have done.

2. Arm yourself

The more you know about a condition like ADHD, the better off you will be. There is a ton of information out there to help you study up on the condition. Information comes from places such as CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) and the Canadian Mental Health Association and is designed to help parents cope. This information will help you understand why your child takes forever to get dressed in the mornings or is constantly leaving his/her homework at school.

3. Find a support group

It's important to know that you do not have to do this alone. There are many parent support groups out there. Whether you want to meet in person or online, these groups can help you deal with the difficulties of raising a child with ADHD. Your child's doctor should be able to recommend support groups and counsellors to help you deal with the problems you will face. Support groups like CHADD will be glad to lend you a supporting hand.

4. Do not ignore your other children

While coping with a child who has ADHD can be a huge challenge, you need to remember that you have other children as well. You should make sure to pay plenty of attention to your children who do not have ADHD, as you do not want them to start feeling neglected.

5. Enjoy your child

The best way to help you and your child cope with a condition like ADHD is to enjoy your child and give him/her all the love he/she deserves. Never forget how wonderful your child really is. Patience, love and understanding are the keys to success.

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