5 tips to improve your focus while working from home

October 27, 2020

While many professionals have had to make a sudden shift from office life to working from home in recent months, the transition to remote working isn’t always easy. Not only are there endless distractions – household chores, kids vying for your attention, a new Netflix series to binge – but working from home can also leave employees feeling unmotivated, socially isolated and burnt out.

If you’re struggling to adjust to your new work-from-home lifestyle, here are five tips to help you stay focused, maximize your productivity, reduce stress and maintain your mental health.

5 tips to improve your focus while working from home

Photo credit: fizkes

Set a schedule and enforce healthy boundaries

Traditional office hours might be a thing of the past for now, but it’s still important to design a schedule for your workday and create clear boundaries between work and personal time. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, it’s a good idea to establish a daily routine with consistent ‘office hours’ and stick to it. Avoid answering emails and phone calls after hours and set up an automated out-of-office response to let your colleagues know when you’re off the clock. Similarly, establish house rules with your loved ones. Make sure your partner, kids or roommates know that they need to respect your schedule and give you space when you need to stay productive and focus on your work.

Create a designated workstation

Surroundings are incredibly important when it comes to improving focus at work; getting off the couch and setting up a proper office space will help optimize your output. Create a dedicated workstation that’s both comfortable and functional, complete with all of your supplies on hand. If possible, situate yourself in a room with a door so you can shut out distractions when you really need to concentrate.

Get dressed

While it may be tempting to stay in your pyjamas all day long when working from home, changing from cozy sweats into work-appropriate clothing helps signify to your brain that it’s time to get down to business. Wearing sleepwear from day to night can leave you feeling lethargic and unmotivated, so freshen up a little and try to look presentable. Plus, you never know when you might have to hop on a last-minute video call.

Invest in high-quality tech

When it comes to working from home, it’s important to have the right tools. There’s nothing worse than enduring a slow internet connection during an important presentation. If you’ll be working from home for the foreseeable future, increase your bandwidth, invest in a more ergonomic keyboard, purchase a new printer, or update your software. Having the right technology in place will alleviate frustration and allow you to focus on your work. Think about your daily tasks and responsibilities and consider small tech upgrades and enhancements that will make your workday easier: wireless headphones, an upgraded webcam, or a second monitor could be just the thing.

Maintain work-life balance

Employees who feel they have to be ‘on’ and available at all times are at a higher risk of burnout. Be sure to log-off and make time for yourself each day. Put down the phone, shut off the computer and do something that brings you joy and helps you manage work-related stress – whether that’s getting outside for a morning walk, doing an at-home exercise class midday or climbing into the bath with a good book. Taking regular breaks throughout the day even for five to 10 minutes will help you avoid mental fatigue and boost your creativity.

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