5 tricks every dog owner should know

June 30, 2015

Turns out people aren't the only picky eaters — dogs can be fussy, too.  And dogs don't always avoid the foods they should. Have you ever wondered how to make your dog take a pill, regurgitate dangerous food or make his meals more appealing? Wonder no more! The tricks below will help you do just that, and more.

5 tricks every dog owner should know

Use yogurt containers as doggie travel totes

Save those plastic yogurt containers with fitted lids; when you're taking Sparky along on a trip, they're the perfect size for your dog's favorite small treats. Though most dogs don't like to eat during travel, you can reward Sparky for his good behaviour at stops or once you arrive at your destination.

A different kind of perfume

Is your faithful friend a finicky eater? Try this trick: Put a stick of beef jerky in a new bag of dry dog food and reseal it for 24 hours. The scent will make the dry food more tempting to your canine.

If your dog has an upset stomach

If your dog has eaten something she shouldn't have (chocolate candy, echinacea, etc.) induce vomiting by forcing her to swallow one to 30 millilitres (two tablespoons) of hydrogen peroxide mixed with one gram (0.25 teaspoon) of sugar. This medicine-cabinet staple will quickly make her bring up anything she's ingested that's bad for her.

Get your dog to take pills

No reason to wrestle your furry friend to the ground to try and get him to take a pill — this is what spray cheese is for. Get yourself of a can, encase the medicine in a thick coating of the cheese and it'll go down the hatch in a matter of seconds. (For a natural version, spread the offending pill with a heavy layer of peanut butter.)

Foods to keep away from dogs

The following foods, while delicious for human consumption, should never, ever be given to dogs.

  • Chocolate, which contains theobromine, a substance that is poisonous to dogs.
  • Onions, garlic and other onion family members (leeks, shallots, scallions), which contain the ingredient thiosulfate. Thiosulfate can destroy your dog's red blood cells.

Your dog gives you unconditional love; these five tips will help you give that love back to your loyal pooch, many times over.

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