5 ways a procrastinator can be more productive

November 3, 2015

While procrastination can be a difficult hurdle to overcome, there are some simple ways to help you get things done. If you're a procrastinator, check out these helpful productivity tips.

5 ways a procrastinator can be more productive

1.Make a to-do list

Procrastinators should make a list of things that need to be done, but not everything that needs to be done should be included. Instead, only include things you've been avoiding doing.

  • Adding things that you know you would do anyway will only tempt you to do them first and eschew the things you've been putting off.
  • Once that list is done, then get to the tasks you don't mind doing.

2. Publicize your goals

If you want some motivation to finally get things done, publicize what you're doing and what you want to accomplish.

  • Try posting a status on your social networks about your goals so your friends will hold you accountable or make a blog about what you're up to.
  • Making intentions public is a good way to ensure that you can't slack off without some repercussions.

3. Break down hard tasks

If there are things you put off because they just seem too challenging, break down those processes into smaller steps.

  • For example, if you need to write a paper, break down that writing process into research, outlining, writing a rough draft and editing.
  • You are less likely to put off tasks you know they can complete easily, and big tasks are completed easily when small pieces are tackled one at a time.

4. Minimize distractions

Identify the things in your environment that distract you like laptops, cell phones, books or your television, and remove them from your environment when you're trying to get things done.

  • Anything you don't want to do will take a back seat when there's something you do want to do around, so completely eliminating the possibility of accessing these things will help promote focus on the task at hand.

5. Create rewards

If you don't feel motivated to get work done for the simple reason of getting work done, give yourself reasons to work.

  • Allow yourself to have a sweet treat to eat when you're done working, or set a goal and go to an event or movie after you reach the goal.
  • Rewards are a great way to balance both work and fun.

Getting things done can be hard for anyone, but people who are prone to procrastination can find productivity nearly impossible.

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