5 ways to manage bronchitis symptoms

November 3, 2015

Bronchitis can be a difficult condition to deal with as it affects your breathing, energy levels and general physical health. Here are 5 helpful tips for managing bronchitis and alleviating the symptoms.

5 ways to manage bronchitis symptoms

1. Stop smoking

Smoking is the number one cause of bronchitis and many smokers are affected by it. If you haven't quit smoking already, it's a good idea to think about doing so. If you have a chronic cough, it's a good sign that smoking is doing damage to your lungs and you might not be able to reverse the damage. If you stop smoking, your bronchitis symptoms will likely improve, or at the very least you won't be making them worse.

2. Use a humidifier

Depending on where you live and the time of year, the air you're breathing in might be very dry. Especially if you are in a heated space, you might find that breathing in feels difficult and painful and causes you to cough. Using a humidifier helps to make the air softer and fills it with more moisture, which is great for your lungs. Keep one on in the bedroom while you sleep and make sure that it doesn't get moldy by cleaning it between uses.

3. Breathe through pursed lips

Sometimes taking in big breaths of air can be hard while you're suffering from bronchitis. In order to combat this difficulty, try doing pursed-lip breathing. This means breathing in through your nose and then pursing your lips while you exhale, as if you're blowing out a match. This helps to keep your airways open longer so you get more air into your lungs.

4. Get exercise

When you have a chronic cough, it's important to get exercise. Otherwise, your lungs can recondition themselves by losing lung strength. It might not seem appealing to hit the gym or head out for a jog when you're coughing so much, but it can actually help relieve your symptoms quite a bit. Try to build up to 30 or 45 minutes of exercise – even if it's just walking – up to six times a week.

5. Avoid irritants

While you're dealing with bronchitis, be sure to avoid anything that might irritate your lungs, such as perfumes, hairsprays, smoke from a fire or second-hand smoke. These can get into your lungs and make your coughing fits worse.

Bronchitis can cause you to suffer from uncomfortable symptoms, but by following the tips above you will hopefully be able to minimize their impact and go about your day with less discomfort. However, if your symptoms persist or you have any concerns, be sure to seek medical advice from your doctor.

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