5 ways to prevent a tick bite

November 3, 2015

Finding a tick on your body is never fun because it can lead to Lyme disease and other ailments. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to avoid entering tick-infested territory unless one never wants to venture outside. As a result, understanding how to prevent a tick bite by wearing the right clothes, doing spot checks, and avoiding tick-prone areas is crucial.

5 ways to prevent a tick bite

1. Wear the right clothes

If you know you are going to be working outdoors in an area that is known for ticks, it is important to wear the right clothes that fit snugly to your body and will prevent a tick from being able to latch onto your skin.

  • If going for a hike, working in thick grass, or gardening, wear long pants like jeans with hiking boots that end above the ankle.
  • If possible, tuck the pant legs into the socks or shoes and wear bright-coloured clothing that will make it easier to spot a tick.

2. Use bug spray

But not just any bug spray. Always choose a product that contains at least 20 percent DEET and is made from all-natural ingredients. You'll want to apply the DEET product on your clothing and on your face, hands, and neck. However, be careful not to get the DEET into your eyes or mouth, as this can cause a severe allergic reaction.

3. Don't veer off the path

Ticks like to wait for their prey in thick vegetation. As a result, if going for a hike or spending time outdoors it is best to stay on a trail or path that is marked. Don't walk through a meadow with tall grass or among trees if it is possible to walk on a designated trail.

4. Always do a spot check

Before venturing back inside your home after being outdoors, carefully take off your clothing and visually scan your body for any ticks. Ticks are attracted to areas of your body like behind the knees, on the ankles, near the elbow, and even in your hair. If possible, have another person check you for ticks or stand in front of a mirror to see your backside.

Don't just throw your clothes into a laundry hamper. Instead, immediately take them to the dryer and put them on the tumble cycle with high heat. The hot and dry air will kill any ticks that are on your clothing.

5. Kids and pets

Be vigilant when it comes to watching your children, to ensure that they are not playing in a tick-infested area; and always be sure to check them when they are done outdoors. With a dog, use a brush to comb its fur and be wary of ticks that may become loose once the pet is back inside and rolling around.

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