6 simple anti-aging tips

September 10, 2014

While we can't prevent aging altogether, there are some anti-aging preventative steps we can take to slow down the process. Here are six simple anti-aging tips that don’t involve injections or surgeries – just easy care and maintenance.

6 simple anti-aging tips

1. First, quit the bad habits

Smoking affects the skin, teeth, respiratory system and circulatory system. There isn’t one part of the body that is positively affected by smoking.

  • That perceived gratification when you smoke a cigarette is just that – all in your head. Your body is suffering. Give it up! You’ll live longer for it.

If you’re consuming more than 10 alcoholic drinks a week (ladies) or 15 drinks a week (men), you’re risking long-term impact on your health.

  • Keep drinking within moderation, and aim for red wine. Red wine contains the anti-aging compound reservatrol, found in the skin of grapes.

2. Exercise more

Physical activity is one of the best ways to enrich your current state of health while staving off chronic issues.

  • Exercise will help keep your weight in check, relieve stress, decrease risk of chronic diseases and strengthen bones and muscles.

There is evidence that as little as 30 minutes of brisk walking a day provides major health benefits.

  • Add more cardio activity and strength training to your routine for maximum benefit.

3. Eat right

One of the most important anti-aging tips anyone can give you is to eat right. Eating right means consuming a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

  • Whole grains are a healthier option than foods made with white, refined flour, which can cause blood sugar levels to spike, increasing the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.
  • Even meat products should be eaten in moderation.
  • Add oily fish and nuts to your diet for a healthy dose of omega-3 oils.

Sugar is the most recent food under fire for its connection to chronic diseases, such as obesity.

  • The average Canadian consumes 26 teaspoons of sugar per day, which is far above the recommend daily dose.

4. Drink plenty of water

Water makes up more than half your body weight, which helps all of your internal systems run optimally.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day – even more during periods of intense physical activity.

5. Get enough sleep

A short-term bout with insomnia or a few late nights are nothing to worry about, but long-term sleep deprivation can attribute to a weakened immune system, weight gain and high blood pressure.

  • Aim for at least six hours per night.

6. Wear sunscreen

By now it should be no surprise that wearing sunscreen helps reduce our chances of skin cancer.

  • Sun damage can also wreak havoc as we age in the form of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. The sun may feel the strongest in the summer, but its rays can be damaging year round. Wear SPF on exposed skin, even in the winter. And since you can’t put sunscreen on your eyes, don't forget the sunglasses.
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