7 emergency items you need to prepare for natural disasters

July 27, 2015

It's difficult to prepare for the kind of calamitous events that can disrupt normal home life, but there are some precautions that could help you during a natural disaster. Here are some emergency items that you should store in a waterproof box in your family's chosen shelter area.

7 emergency items you need to prepare for natural disasters

1. Emergency lighting

For emergency lighting, stock candles along with a waterproof butane lighter instead of matches, which can be damaged by water.

  • Have several flashlights loaded with fresh batteries plus some spares.
  • Check flashlights, batteries and bulbs for liveliness at least once a year.

2. Canned food and bottled water

Have enough canned food and bottled water on hand.

  • A rule of thumb is four litres (one gallon) per family member daily for at least three days.
  • Be sure to have a non-electric can opener and other basic implements, including paper plates and cups.
  • Replace the food supplies regularly.

3. Portable radio

To monitor weather and emergency broadcasts, purchase a portable radio and extra batteries.

  • Keep it where you plan to shelter or in a spot where you know you can find it.

4. First aid kit and manual

A good first aid kit and manual will prepare you to take immediate and appropriate action in case of injuries.

  • Check the packages regularly, and throw away any medicine that has exceeded its expiration date.
  • Better yet, have a family member take a first aid training course.

5. Cash and credit cards

A supply of cash and one or more credit cards will allow you to buy gas, food, temporary accommodations and other emergency purchases if you have to evacuate your house.

  • You might also set aside a few spare bank cheques on the chance that your working chequebook is not accessible.

6. Sturdy shoes

Sturdy shoes will allow you to remove rubble and/or make emergency repairs.

  • You might also store a pair of heavy socks and work gloves inside the shoes.

7. Have a plan to reunite

Family members may be in different locations during a tornado, earthquake or other disaster. So develop a plan for reuniting after the disaster.

  • It's often easier to call long-distance than locally after a disaster; so ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the family contact.
  • Make sure everyone in the family knows this person's name, address and phone number.

Natural disasters can be unpredictable and devastating. Prepare these items in advance and be prepared.

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