6 essential gardening tools

January 13, 2015

Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding hobby that produces delicious vegetables or beautifies your property, depending on the type of garden you plant. Having the right gardening tools can make it easier to tend and care for your garden. These basic gardening tools will help you get started.

Garden equipment

Your garden equipment is for the big jobs: moving large amounts of dirt, tilling land and pruning large plants and trees. Look for tools that can make gardening easier, and stay away from items that are too big and cause unnecessary strain.

Garden shovel and spade: Garden shovels come in different shapes and sizes for different jobs. You’ll need a long, narrow shovel that digs deep and pierces through hard soil, clay and rocks. A garden spade is just like a shovel, but smaller and flatter for more precise shovelling.

Pruning shears: Larger plants need regular pruning to keep them healthy. Shears come in many different sizes, from handheld to large, so choose ones that are lightweight enough that you don’t tire when using them. Be sure to keep them sharp.

Wheelbarrow: You’ll need a wheelbarrow for carrying dirt, plants and weeds. Two-wheeled wheelbarrows are more maneuverable, but a four-wheeled garden cart is more stable and can carry more with less effort.

Garden hoe: With a blade that runs perpendicular to the handle, hoes are excellent for cultivating, loosening soil and even weeding. They come with different shaped heads for different tasks. Narrow blades make effective garden weeding tools while rectangular heads move more soil when tilling.

Hand gardening tools

While gardening equipment is best for the bigger tasks, you’ll need smaller garden tools for the delicate work. These tools let you get in close so you can plant and till with care while disposing of pesky weeds without disturbing what you've already planted.

Trowel: Trowels are essentially hand shovels. They have long, narrow heads that are sharp enough to cut into the soil with ease, but also small enough to be delicate with smaller plants and bulbs.

Weeder: Weeders look like the cross between a fork and screwdriver. They let you dig in deep and lift out unwanted plants by the roots without disturbing the other plants.

Factors to consider

Most gardening tools have a handle, head and socket. Handles should be strong and durable, preferably made from hardwoods like ash or strong synthetics like fibreglass or hard plastic. Bear in mind shorter handles are easier on the arms, but longer handles are easier on the legs. The head needs to be appropriate for the job at hand, but the attachment should be sturdy, either using a tang like a knife or solid rivets.

There are few things as rewarding as a beautiful garden or a meal made with homegrown vegetables, fruits and herbs. With the right tools, your gardening will be more efficient, less strenuous and much more fun.

6 essential gardening tools
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