8 hints for choosing eco-friendly building materials

January 26, 2016

To choose eco-friendly building materials, you'll need to consider everything from how a material is produced to if it's biodegradable. Here are 8 hints to help you figure it out.

8 hints for choosing eco-friendly building materials

1. Always prioritize durability

You'll save money in the long run and there is a greater likelihood of the materials being recycled later.

2. Consider "embodied energy"

When considering materials, remember: extraction, production, transportation and delivery all consume energy.

  • Seek out materials requiring low amounts of energy. This energy is sometimes referred to as the "embodied energy" of a material.

3. Think about energy usage

Consider in particular the environmental impact of a material's production.

  • Trees, for example, absorb far more greenhouse gases than the production of timber creates; conversely, producing plastics, metals and bricks uses large amounts of energy and often involves polluting processes.

4. Pick renewable materials

Whenever possible, opt for materials made from renewable resources.

  • Wood is renewable if it comes from a sustainable source such as a plantation; bricks, plastics and metals are usually made from non-renewable materials, but recycled forms are now available.

5. Choose local

Choose local materials over imported ones.

  • Long-distance transportation adds considerably to the cost of materials and produces large amounts of greenhouse gases.

6. Embrace organic

Avoid materials that have been treated with chemicals.

  • Many of these treatments are toxic and continue to emit potentially harmful gases for years.
  • Some treatments – such as pentachlorophenol, a wood preservative – have been banned by some countries.
  • Look for organic treatments such as the use of natural oils.

7. Purchase recycled materials

Purchase recycled materials or materials that have a high recycled content.

  • Materials such as recycled aluminum or recycled concrete are becoming much more widely available.

8. Reuse and re-purpose whenever possible

Resist the temptation to demolish a home and start from scratch if the existing building can be overhauled.

  • If you do demolish, evaluate which materials can be reused and what might be of interest to a second-hand building centre to re-purpose into another build, especially if you live in an older structure that has fixtures or architectural features of interest to someone who may be doing a restoration to their home.

It's important to select the right building materials for your design needs and climate, but also to choose materials that are eco-friendly. If you have questions about the materials you are using, seek advice from an architect or builder before you begin.

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