How to grow passionflower in your garden

May 13, 2016

There are over 400 known species of passionflower. Many are decorative, and several, fixed by tendrils, are climbing. Here's how to grow this beautiful plant in your garden.

How to grow passionflower in your garden

1. Gardening

Purple passionflower( P. incarnata ) is a common wildflower in the eastern United States, which Native Americans used as a tonic.

  • In 1783, it was described for the first time by a European doctor. It has palmate leaves divided into three to five lobes, with finely serrated margins.
  • Its large fragrant flowers are of pale lavender colour with a dark purple corolla.
  • Once ripe, the fruits form ovoid yellow berries 5 centimetres (2 inches) in length.

2. Location 

  • Passionflower prefers acidic sandy and light soil, heat and sun.
  • In areas with cold winters and cool summers, it is better to plant it in a greenhouse.

3. Multiplication

  • Sow seeds in spring at 20 °C (68 ° F). Or proceed by semi-hardwood cuttings in summer.
  • Mature plants often produce suckers, which can be cut and potted separately.

4. Care 

  • Passionflower should be supported with a trellis or other support, and provided with good mulch.
  • Prune and give shape to the plant in the spring, if necessary.

5. Pests and diseases

  • The climbing passionflower is basically free of parasites when it grows outdoors.
  • In a greenhouse it can be attacked by spider mites, aphids and mealybugs.

6. Harvest and conservation

  • Pick the parts above ground during the second half of the summer and let them air dry for medicinal uses.
  • The fruits are picked when they are ready to fall.

Though the North American climate may be hostile to this plant, it is possible grow it in a greenhouse. In cold areas, where they must be protected in winter, they need warm summers to grow well and bloom.

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