Bid farewell to embarrassing eye swelling and discomfort

July 8, 2014

Sometimes you wake up in the morning with red, puffy eyes. They might feel itchy and uncomfortable, but worst of all, it looks horrible. There are many possible causes for eye swelling—over 70 have been documented. A quick visit to the optometrist’s is the best way to find out what’s wrong and get treated for the problem.
Common causes

  • Allergies. Allergies can incapacitate the best of us. Exposure to an allergen triggers the release of histamine throughout the body, which usually affects the eyes. Resist the urge to rub your eyes, because doing so only releases even more histamine.
  • Eye infections. Infections can cause the skin around the eyes and the eyelids to swell. Several types of infections are caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Blepharitis. This is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids. Blephartis can cause a burning sensation, itching, and excessive tearing, and it can also feel like there are grains of sand in your eyes.
  • Conjunctivitis. This contagious infection may be caused by a virus or bacteria. It may also be provoked by allergens, contact lenses, environmental irritants, or eye drops. Red, itchy, and burning eyes are signs of conjunctivitis.
  • Styes. Styes are similar to pimples on the skin; they are an inflammation of the sebaceous glands located on the edges of the eyelids. Refrain from touching a stye while it heals.
  • Crying. Have you been crying a lot? Your eye swelling may just be the result of all those excess tears.
  • Sleep. Did you sleep in late? You may very well experience eye swelling when you get out of bed. It will go away during the day.
  • Too much salt. Do you have the bad habit of adding a lot of salt to everything you eat? That could be the cause of your eye swelling.

Choosing the proper treatment

It is essential that you consult an optometrist to find the cause of your eye swelling and to determine the proper course of treatment. Here are a few recommendations that he or she could make after an evaluation.

  • Take some over-the-counter medication to ease the swelling.
  • If allergies are the cause, use oral antihistamines or decongestants, or drops that contain them.
  • If you don’t suffer from allergies, you can apply warm or cold compresses to your eyes.
  • Keep your head elevated.
  • If bacteria are the cause, you may be prescribed antibiotics.
  • You can remove irritating particles by splashing fresh water on your face and in your eyes.
  • Above all, avoid rubbing your eyes at any time.

Trust your optometrist

Only a certified eye professional can determine if a more serious problem is responsible for your eye swelling and find a solution to the discomfort. Make an appointment with an optometrist to get to the bottom of things, and you’ll be ready to look upon a new day.

Bid farewell to embarrassing eye swelling and discomfort
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