Choosing the perfect lighting fixtures for your electrical renovation

December 22, 2014

Lighting fixtures are an important aesthetic component for illuminating the overall look of a space. Here are some helpful tips for picking the right one.

Choosing the perfect lighting fixtures for your electrical renovation

Lighting fixtures are an important component to illuminating the overall look of a space. Choosing the perfect one can be quite difficult given the breadth of variety. Fixtures come in different shapes and sizes and knowing how to pick the right one can compliment the décor of your space. Here are some helpful tips for picking the right lighting fixture for your space.

What's the purpose of choosing this fixture?

Before choosing a fixture, you must figure out the purpose of the room. Do you want to be able to see what you are doing? If so, then down-light fixtures are ideal because they direct light towards the ground, which makes tasks such as reading and cooking easier. Do you want to express a particular atmosphere? Fixtures that diffuse light are a lot softer and convey a warmer tone. If you want bolder and harsh lighting to make a statement, you can choose chandelier lighting. Knowing the type of light and how it illuminates a room can convey the personality of the room.

How does light play with space?

Deciding whether you want to light more of the ceiling or floor can open up or constrict a space. For instance, up-light pendant washes the ceiling with light, making a space feel larger than it really is.

Where should you hang the light?

Knowing where to hang your light is important for achieving particular ways of lighting a space. Once you’ve picked your desired overhead light, ask yourself where should place it so that it enhances your space. Consider how high your ceiling is and the type of light you’ve chosen. For example, chandeliers should typically be 30 inches above the surface of the dining room table. For high ceilings that are above eight feet, raise the fixture three inches for each additional foot. Ceilings lower than eight feet should be above the tallest vase or candlesticks in your home.

Remember these general tips for choosing lighting fixtures and how to properly utilize the lighting with the space. Something as simple as light can make all the difference in the presentation of a room. Knowing what the different types of fixtures can do and how they interact with your space will help you achieve whatever type of lighting — and ambiance — you want in your room.

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