Choosing your birthstone

March 1, 2015

There’s at least one birthstone for every month of the year, with the origin of these precious stones dating back to ancient times. From diamonds to opals, find out more about birthstones.

Choosing your birthstone

Birthstones by month

Explore the different birthstones associated with every month from January through December:

January birthstone

The birthstone for January is garnet. It's a precious gemstone that symbolizes trust and eternal friendship. Garnet commonly has a deep red colour, but it’s actually mined in a wide assortment of colours.

February birthstone

February babies have amethyst as their birthstone, ranging in colour from deep violet to pale lilac. In ancient times, it was thought to give the wearer a clear head (and to protect them from getting intoxicated).

March birthstone

The rich-coloured March birthstone, aquamarine, is reminiscent of the ocean. Symbolizing hope, youth and good health, it can be found in many varieties of blue.

April birthstone

Those born in April are lucky enough to have diamond as their birthstone. Diamonds are often given to loved ones because they symbolize love. Diamonds are usually white but other colours are available too.

May birthstone

The birthstone for May is emerald. This stunning green gemstone is thought to represent good fortune and rebirth or youth. Today, it is one of the rarest of all gemstones.

June birthstone

June birthdays have two birthstones: pearl and the rare alexandrite. Pearls have been a classic jewelry choice for centuries. Alexandrite birthstones change color in different lighting and are highly sought after.

July birthstone

The July birthstone is ruby. Rubies symbolize wisdom, success, health and love. They are durable and are considered to be the king of all gems. Some rubies are among the most valuable gemstones in the world.

August birthstone

Peridot is the birthstone for August babies. It is typically found in a lime green colour and is said to bring great power and influence to its owner.

September birthstone

The birthstone for September is sapphire. Although commonly blue, it can be found in a rainbow of colours. Sapphires represent loyalty and trust and have been thought to protect your loved ones from harm.

October birthstone

Both opal and tourmaline are the birthstones for October. All opals have a unique combination of colours, while hugely popular tourmaline is available in an assortment of colours to suit every taste.

November birthstone

Citrine and topaz are both November birthstones. Topaz is available in many colours, although orange is most popular. Citrine has a warm colour, and is thought to represent healing, hope and energy.

December birthstone

Unlike any other month, December babies have three birthstones to choose from: zircon, tanzanite and turquoise. All three come in various shades of blue, making it a great choice for the winter months.

With interesting stories and legends behind nearly all precious and semi-precious stones, birthstones make a meaningful gift or addition to any outfit.

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