Everything you need to know about animal microchip implants

February 6, 2014

Has your dog or cat run away from home? Thanks to animal microchip implants, finding a lost pet is now easy to do.

It’s true that implanting a microchip on an animal sounds like science fiction, but for pet owners who have their animals’ well-being at heart, it is one of the best ways to keep track of their little friends’ wanderings.

Unlike collars, tags or even ID tattoos, animal microchip implants are a permanent method of identification. The chip won’t alter or fade with time, and it is absolutely impossible to lose it. The microchip contains the pet owner’s information, which allows for quick and easy identification. The implant works even outside of your city; the system has no geographical boundaries, which means it is the ultimate protection for your pet.

What exactly is an animal microchip implant?

The animal microchip implant is a minuscule capsule, approximately the size of a grain of rice. It contains a computer chip featuring an unalterable and unique code made up of letters and numbers.

How is the microchip implanted?

The animal microchip implantis inserted under the skin of animals with the use of a device similar to a disposable syringe.Just like an ordinary vaccine, the process is quick and causes only mild discomfort to the pet.

How does the system work?

When a pet has gone missing for a length of time, chances are good that he will eventually end up at an animal shelter or at a veterinary clinic. These facilities check new arrivals for the presence of a microchip. If the animal was microchipped, his unique code will be displayed and his owner can be located immediately.

Do the implants move around?

With recent technological advances, manufacturers have been able to develop microchips that stay in place, exactly where they were implanted. Ask your veterinarian if he or she uses this kind of technology.

Are animal microchip implantsdurable?

Microchips are only activated when exposed to the energy emitted by a reader or a scanner. This means they have a long lifespan that usually surpasses that of the animals on which they are implanted.

Are animal microchip implantssafe?

Microchips are biocompatible, which makes them safe, both on the short and long terms. This method of identification is an efficient way to protect your faithful companion, should he decide to wander. Keep in mind that owners are responsible for keeping their contact information current by notifying the veterinarian if they move.

To learn more about getting an animal microchip implant, consult your veterinarian.

Everything you need to know about animal microchip implants
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