Expert secrets to healthy, delicious grilling

November 17, 2015

Most people never use their grills to their full potential. There's a lot more to it than throwing on a slab of meat and trying not to burn it. Here are some expert tips to get the most from your grill.

Expert secrets to healthy, delicious grilling

Choosing the wood

Use different parts of the grill for their different heat levels and get to know how much heat comes from the wood you choose to grill with. Different woods burn at different temperatures. Selecting the right wood adds subtle yet distinctive flavours. Here are a couple of different kinds.

  • Use mesquite for a slightly sweet, smoky flavour. Mesquite produces a very hot fire, suitable for cooking fish.
  • Burn oak for a smokier taste. Oak burns at a temperature favourable for vegetables and meats.

Secrets to grilling great steak

For a juicy steak, first sear the meat on a hotter part of the grill, then move it to a medium-hot area to allow the flavours to develop more slowly.

Grilling adds flavour to vegetables too

Here is a secret for corn on the cob, a summertime favourite.

  1. First, don't husk the corn. Place it on a medium-hot part of the grill and turn the ears as they brown. The object of this step is to cook the kernels, and that should take 20 to 25 minutes.
  2. Then peel back the husks (but leave them on the cob), remove the silk, spritz the kernels with a little olive oil, and season them with salt and pepper.
  3. Return to the grill and cook until nicely browned, four to five minutes.

You can even grill lettuce.

  1. Using romaine, wash it and pat it dry. Then cut it in half lengthwise, spritz it with olive oil, and add salt and pepper.
  2. He cooks the lettuce briefly, over a hot fire, removing it when browned.
  3. Brush the grilled romaine with a Caesar dressing and top it with buffalo steak, grilled red onion rings and corn salad.

Knowing how to manipulate the different temperatures on the grill and choosing the right kind of wood to cook with will help you get the most from your grill.


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