Get back in the game with natural ways to heal sprains

June 25, 2015

A careless moment on uneven ground can put you out of commission with a sprained ankle. But if you follow the correct first aid rules and rely on some time-tested home remedies, you'll heal much quicker.

Get back in the game with natural ways to heal sprains

First aid

Act fast. A cold compress is the best and most effective aid for a sprained ankle, since it dulls the pain and decreases the blood flow, which lessens swelling. Ice your ankle (or whatever you've sprained) immediately. Keep the ice on for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove and leave off for an equal time period. Do this four to five times daily over the next two days. After cooling, keep the sprained body part elevated to prevent further swelling. A sprained ankle can be properly positioned by placing a pillow under the lower leg so that the leg is straight and slightly elevated.

Recipe: dill salve

Dill salve alleviates pain from sprains.

  • 30 ml (2 tbsp) minced dill
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oila little beeswax

Mix the dill and olive oil, set aside for 24 hours, then press through a strainer. Mix with warm beeswax to form a spreadable paste. Apply the salve to the affected area.

Home remedies

  • Wrap up any sprain in an elastic bandage. The compression will help control the swelling. But don't make it so tight that you cut off your circulation.
  • Chow down on pineapple. Its active ingredient, bromelain, can help reduce swelling and speed your healing.
  • Apply a little rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol cools and combats swelling, and cold wraps soaked in rubbing alcohol are a traditional treatment for sprains.
  • Apply an ice-cold cherry-pit bag.
  • When applied early, strawflower oil can help combat inflammation.
  • Carefully rub a few drops of tea tree oil onto the skin of affected area to encourage healing.
  • Salves and tinctures with a base of horse chestnut, comfrey or St. John's wort accelerate the healing process.
  •  To make a tincture of arnica, let 100 grams (3 1/2 ounces) of dried arnica flowers steep in 500 millilitres (two cups) of rubbing alcohol for two weeks, then strain and store in a dark bottle. For a pain-relieving wrap, mix five millilitres (one teaspoon) of the tincture with 250 millilitres (one cup) of cold water, moisten a cloth with it, and apply to your sprained joint for 10 minutes. Keep the tincture stored in a cool, dark place.
  • A liquid of oak bark (100 grams/3 1/2 ounces of bark in 500 millilitres/two cups of water, boiled for 15 minutes) encourages healing.
  • Get the right shoes for your sport. A tendency to sprain your ankle over and over can be a sign that you're not getting the support you need from your footwear. Shoes designed specifically with an activity in mind can provide the right amount of cushioning and traction.
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