6 tips to get rid of your cough and irritated throat

June 24, 2014

A bad cough can cost you sleep and distract those around you, leaving you desperate for a remedy. Get rid of your cough with these self-care techniques.

6 tips to get rid of your cough and irritated throat

1. Drink up

Good hydration is essential for your recovery from a nasty cough, so you should aim to drink a minimum of eight glasses of warm, clear beverages each day. Stick to non-caffeinated beverages where possible, as these will promote optimal hydration.

2. Step into the shower

The steam from a hot shower can loosen the thick nasal mucus characteristic of colds and allergies, relieving you of a cough caused by either one of these unwelcome ailments.

3. Add moisture to dry air

Humidifiers add much-needed moisture to parched air, helping to ease a tickling cough caused by a cold. Warm- and cool-mist humidifiers will prove equally effective. However, cool-mist humidifiers are often cheaper than warm-mist humidifiers as they lack a heating element. If you use a humidifier to loosen your nagging cough, keep it clean to prevent it from pumping bacteria and fungi around your home.

4. Try over-the-counter medications

If self-care techniques do not easy your cough, over-the-counter medicines may assist you. If you are coughing so much that your chest aches and you cannot sleep, a cough suppressant may help you to hold back your cough reflex, silencing your symptoms. If you cannot loosen the thick mucus secretions that are clogging your chest, an expectorant may aid you in thinning them out, making your cough easier to bear.

5. Quit smoking

If you have a smoker’s cough, quitting smoking will provide you and your family with a wealth of health benefits. With the right support, you will be able to clear your lungs of chemicals and rid yourself of that all too familiar hacking cough and unsound wheeze.

6. Talk to your doctor

Talking to a doctor is important if your cough does not resolve itself within three weeks or if it is getting worse despite your best efforts. If your cough is always bothering you, or you are experiencing other symptoms, such as breathing difficulties or weight loss, a doctor will be able to look into your problem and help you resolve your cough and sore throat once and for all

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