Grocery shopping essentials for new parents

November 3, 2015

Now that you have to add baby formula, diapers and other essentials to your grocery list, you need to make smart decisions about your budget. Below are some grocery shopping tips for new parents to ensure that you're making healthy food choices for your family.

Grocery shopping essentials for new parents

Make a meal plan

  • Prepare a meal plan at the beginning of the week so you know what types of ingredients you need to buy to prepare some of your family's favourite recipes.
  • Meal planning can help you organize your grocery list and ensure that you get all the ingredients you need in one trip.
  • Decide which recipes you want to make for the week, break down the ingredients list and add the items you need to your grocery shopping list.
  • If you plan to make your own baby food, you'll need to account for fresh fruits and vegetables, storage jars and containers, and other supplies.
  • As a busy new parent, you also need to take care of yourself! Make sure you are eating healthy and nutritious foods so that you have the energy to take care of your newborn and aren't compromising your health during this stressful time.

Budget for non-groceries

  • It's easy to overlook the cost of diapers, baby formula, baby wipes and other basics you need to take care of your new addition.
  • Before you head to the grocery store, add these items to your weekly or bimonthly grocery budget.
  • Don't be afraid to shop around for brand name items and use coupons to save some extra money.
  • Buying generic staple items, such as cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, frozen foods and other dry goods will allow you to pare down your grocery bill without too much effort.

Think back to the basics

  • Eating out and buying packaged food can eat into your grocery budget each month.
  • Get into the routine of preparing healthy meals in bulk, using as many fresh ingredients as possible. Freeze meals to serve later.
  • Cooking more whole foods in bulk and making your own baby food can help keep your food budget under control, and you'll also have more control over the quality of the food you and your family eats.
  • Fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains are some staples of any healthy diet. You can stock up on these items whenever they are on sale to save on the total cost of those meals.

Shopping alone is another smart strategy for new parents because you will be able to navigate the grocery store that much faster. Consider hiring a babysitter just for a few hours so that you can take care of grocery shopping tasks with ease.

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