Guide to buying garage door openers

March 1, 2015

Garage door openers make garage access easier, provide light and can add to your home’s security. Here's some important information and features to consider when looking for a new garage door opener.

Guide to buying garage door openers

Types of Garage Door Openers

Garage door openers are categorized by the type of motor they use. Here are the most common kinds available.

Belt-drive openers: These motors are becoming more popular because of their strength and quiet operation. Consider this model if your garage door sits close to a frequently used room in your home.

Screw-drive openers: Using a turning screw to lift the door, these door openers are some of the strongest available. They require little maintenance because they have fewer moving parts than other motors.

Chain-drive openers: Still the most common and least expensive garage openers available, chain-drive garage door openers use a steel chain and track to lift the garage door. They’re quite loud, so look for this model if your garage is separate from your home, where you can use a more affordable opener and won't be bothered by the noise.

Garage door opener features

Garage door and openers sometimes come with extra features to make them safer, more secure and easier to access.

Locks: Most garage doors open and close almost exclusively through their remotes, but a lock can give your home some extra security. Locks can be either mechanical or electronic.

Keyed access: While most openers come with one-button openers you keep in your vehicle, others have an extra button or keypad on the exterior of your home to open the door. Look for a model that needs a passcode to keep your garage safe from intruders.

Lights: Almost every door opener comes with a light that turns on while operating so you can safely park your car, but some have lights that can be turned on separately or put on a timer for extra convenience. If your garage doesn’t have a light, consider a model with extra lighting options.

Manual release: This feature lets you open the door by hand in the case of an emergency, so you can stop something from getting damaged by the descending door.

Battery backup: Battery backups ensure your garage door opener will still work even if the power goes out. That way, you won’t be out of electricity and locked out of your garage at the same time.

Factors to consider when buying a garage door opener

Larger garage doors will naturally need a larger, more powerful motor to pull it up. High-speed door openers are more expensive, but they do save you time waiting for that door to open.

Understanding garage door opener styles and features makes it easier to pick out the model that works best for your home. Remember that garage door opener installation should be performed by a trained professional.

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