The ultimate trampoline buying guide

July 8, 2015

Trampolines are a fun way to get some exercise, but they’re also big purchases that require some thought. Find out the important information you need to know when buying a trampoline.

The ultimate trampoline buying guide

Types of trampolines

Choose a trampoline based on the space you have available and how much money you can spend.

Traditional trampoline: A traditional trampoline uses steel springs attached to an elastic fabric. These are by far the most common and affordable large trampolines available. Trampoline springs should be covered by trampoline pads to avoid falling through or pinching a body part.

Springless trampoline: Rather than using a series of springs for the bounce, springless trampolines use fibreglass rods for a smoother, softer bounce that’s easier on the joints and knees. The construction also keeps the hard metal frame further away from the user. These models can be more expensive.

Rebounder: Also called a mini-trampoline, rebounders are usually less than a metre wide and meant for casual use. Since they offer only a little bounce, this is the only trampoline that could be considered an indoor trampoline. Look for a rebounder if you want a gentle trampoline workout or if you have small kids who want to bounce.

Trampoline features

Trampolines come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and they have different features to better fit your needs.

Size: Trampoline sizing depends on the space you have available and the size of the users. In general, smaller trampolines offer less bounce and can handle lighter people. If you want some serious bounce for adults, look for a 15-foot trampoline or bigger.

Shape: Square trampolines offer serious airtime and superior performance compared to their circular counterparts. Most people will want a circular or oval trampoline that can accommodate more people. Oval models are ideal for narrower gardens, since they can fit where round models usually cannot.

Ladder: Bigger trampolines will need a ladder to get on and off safely. Look for ladders with sturdy construction that attach to, not just lean against, the trampoline.

Enclosure: A trampoline enclosure net helps prevent people from bouncing off the trampoline. Look for solid construction and padded poles for safety.

Safety tips

Trampolines may be a lot of fun for kids and adults alike, but they’re also very dangerous. Follow these tips when using a trampoline.

  • Children should always be supervised by an adult
  • Never jump on or off the trampoline, use the provided ladder
  • Avoid tricks and somersaults
  • Your trampoline should always have an enclosure when in use
  • Trampoline accessories like mats and anchor kits can extend the life of your trampoline and make it even safer
  • The space under a trampoline should be off limits

To find the right trampoline, consider the space you have available and the number people who will use it. After that, it’s a matter of finding the right trampoline accessories to make your trampoline fun and safe.

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