How to Clean a Chandelier and Venetian Blinds

July 28, 2015

How-to guide on cleaning a chandelier and venetian blinds

A gleaming chandelier and beautiful venetian blinds can make any dining room, but both can present some cleaning challenges.  Follow these simple guidelines to keep them looking good as new.

How to Clean a Chandelier and Venetian Blinds

Clean a chandelier

The two-glove method is the best way to clean a chandelier without taking it down. Before you start, be sure to turn off the lights and remove the bulbs.

  • Put on two white cotton gloves (available from DIY stores) and dampen one with glass-cleaning fluid. Massage each individual crystal with the damp glove, then wipe it with the dry glove.
  • If your chandelier is really dirty you'll have to take down the crystals and wash them in a bowl half-filled with warm water to which has been added a drop of dishwashing liquid and 30 millilitres (two tablespoons) of white wine vinegar. Rinse each crystal under running water, and dry with a soft cloth.

Clean venetian blinds

They always look modern and stylish, but venetian blinds attract dust like a magnet and offer a real cleaning challenge. The trick is to maintain them regularly — it will avoid a much more difficult job later on.

  • Save yourself work by vacuuming venetian blinds regularly, ideally with the help of a purpose-made cleaning attachment, or use an old paintbrush to clean the slats.
  • Or put on an old pair of soft, absorbent gloves and run your hands along both sides of each slat. If you don't have an appropriate pair of gloves, use a couple of anti-static dusters. When the blind is pulled up, wipe the cords with a clean, dampened duster.
  • If washable blinds are really dirty, take them down and wash them in the bath with warm soapy water, using a small brush to work between the slats. Put a towel in the bottom of the bath to prevent damaging its surface. Rinse the blinds well and dry them with the help of a clean tea towel before rehanging.
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