7 tips for cleaning tile flooring

December 23, 2014

Tile floors are easy to wipe and don’t stain, but they do need to be cleaned from time to time to ensure they stay looking new for years to come.

7 tips for cleaning tile flooring

Tile flooring is a durable flooring option that requires relatively low maintenance. It’s commonly used in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of home that have a tendency to get wet.

1. Daily sweeping

For basic tile care, make sure to sweep or vacuum the floor daily to remove any loose dirt, debris, and food crumbs.

  • If dirt sits in wet areas for prolonged periods of time, they can quickly turn into grime, which is a lot more difficult to clean.
  • Always make sure to sweep or vacuum prior to mopping or using any water for cleaning.

2. Dust them

After the floors have been swept, run a dry cloth duster or dust mop over the floors.

3. Mop the floors

If the floor doesn’t have any stains or require heavy cleaning, simply running a damp mop with warm water over the tile flooring will do the trick.

  • Cleanse the mop after every section of flooring you mop to ensure you’re not spreading dirty water all over your tile flooring.

4. Dry the floors

In order to prevent new dirt from quickly sticking to a damp floor, make sure to run a dry mop over the tile floors when you have finished mopping.

5. Clean up quickly

For easy tile maintenance, make sure to wipe up any spills immediately.

  • The longer spilled juice or water sits on your tiles, the easier it is for dirt to get stuck to it and become grime.
  • Plus, the longer it sits, the more time it will have to soak into the grout, and stain it.

6. Disinfect the floors

Have dirtier spills, like a pet accident?

  • Clean them with disinfectant.
  • Spray a few squirts directly over the spot and wipe it up right away. Since some strong chemicals can degrade the tile flooring, be sure to only spray the effected area.

7. Mop with vinegar

If you want to deep clean your tile flooring, mop the floor with a vinegar and warm water solution instead of just plain water.

  • Add about ½ cup of vinegar with a gallon of water and mop as usual.
  • If the floor still doesn’t sparkle the way you’d like, mop the floor again using fresh water and detergent.
  • Make sure to rinse your floors with clean warm water after you are finished washing it.
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