7 money-saving secrets to washing cashmere sweaters at home

November 23, 2014

Cashmere is delicate and easily damaged if washed incorrectly. If dry cleaning isn't in your budget, here are sevenmoney-saving secrets to hand washing cashmere sweaters at home.
Because of its delicate fibers, people are typically afraid to wash their cashmere garments at home for fear of ruining them. But frequent dry cleaning can become too expensive. Fortunately, washing cashmere sweaters or other similar garments can be fairly easily done at home by following some simple "secrets":

  1. Use warm water: Fill the basin with lukewarm water, add only a half-cup of detergent and mix it well.

    • Cold water usually does not wash well and very hot water on wool can cause shrinkage. Room temperature is ideal.
  2. Use mild soap: There are many customized cashmere soaps on the market and many natural, unscented soaps that work just as well.
    • Baby shampoo can also work.
  3. Soak well: Turn the sweater inside out and submerge it gently. If this is the first time washing a cashmere sweater, do not be surprised if a little color is released in the water.
    • Leave the sweater in the soapy water for 5-10 minutes.
    • Make sure not to pull or stretch the garment.
    • Do not rub the sweater against itself as this may cause pilling of the fibers.
  4. Rinse gently: Drain the soapy water and re-fill with lukewarm water to rinse the garment. This step may need to be repeated several times until no more soap suds remain. The garment shouldn’t be rinsed under running water as this can easily distort the shape of the sweater.
    • Gently roll the sweater as a ball and squeeze the remaining water out by pushing against the sides of the basin.
    • Never ring out the sweater to remove water, as this will permanently loosen the fabrics.
  5. Blot carefully: After the water has been removed from the sweater, lay the garment flat on a clean towel.
    • Remove all wrinkles.
    • Next, place another towel on the top of the sweater and gently press to absorb all the water from the garment.
    • Repeat the process with a dry towel.
  6. Store securely: Once the blotting is completed, place the sweater on a mesh drying rack or over the back of a sofa.
    • After the sweater is dry, the wrinkles can be removed by a gentle steam. This is one way to immediately freshen up a sweater that has not been washed.Another option is to lightly press with an iron on the steam or wool setting.
    • Neatly fold the sweater and place it in a drawer or on a shelf.
    • Never store a cashmere sweater on a hanger.
  7. Reduce frequency of washes: Cashmere sweaters can be worn at least 5-10 times before there is a need to wash.
    • The more frequently you wash a cashmere sweater, the greater the risk that the fabric will wear out quickly and fade.
7 money-saving secrets to washing cashmere sweaters at home
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