4 easy ways to speed up your bathroom cleaning

November 6, 2014

Cleaning the bathroom probably isn't your favourite chore, but the longer you put it off, the more scrubbing you'll have to do. Make the job quicker and easier using these cleaning tips.

4 easy ways to speed up your bathroom cleaning

1. Showers

If your home has hard water, it leaves crusty white deposits on sinks, tubs and faucets. The longer these deposits and soap film remain, the harder they are to remove. Leave a bathroom cleaner inside the shower. Once you're ready to turn off the water after taking a shower, spray the cleaner on the shower door, walls, faucet and floor. You can also spray the shower curtain as well.

Give the cleaner approximately five to 10 minutes to work, long enough to dry off and put your clothes on. Wipe the shower area quickly with a sponge. The steam from the shower softens the water deposits and soap scum. The cleaner further loosens the stains and allows you to scrub them free without much effort. If you do this every other day and include it in your shower ritual, it won't feel like a chore.

2. Sinks

After brushing your teeth, wipe the sink and faucet off with a washcloth or sponge. This keeps the sink looking clean and removes any toothpaste drops in the sink or water spots on the faucet.

3. Toilets

Place an automatic cleaner under the toilet rim so it releases a fresh smell and cleaning solution after each flush. Also, leave a brush next to the toilet. Brush the toilet at least once a day or every other day.

4. Inexpensive cleaners

You can find inexpensive cleaners in your pantry. Lemon juice and vinegar contain acid, which cuts through tough scum. Combine equal parts of lemon juice or vinegar and water. You can also use them full strength for tough stains.

Baking soda is an abrasive that works well on hard water deposits. You can use it as a paste by adding a few drops of water to two or three teaspoons of baking soda, then applying it to the stain. Baking soda can also be used full strength. Sprinkle it in the sink and then scrub with a wet washcloth.

Don't let bathroom scum overwhelm you. By using these tips, you'll reduce the time and effort it takes to clean the bathroom.

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