How to make your fishing gear last longer

July 29, 2015

Get the right fishing gear and treat it right, and it should last you and your outdoor adventures a long time.

How to make your fishing gear last longer

Wax down a rod

  • Apply a thin coat of wax to your fishing rod (as well as to the reel seat and guides) once or twice a year.
  • This will go a long way toward protecting your rod against harmful scratches, and it'll make it a lot easier to clean after a fishing trip.
  • You can use either furniture polish or car wax, but avoid heavily scented products — you don't want to risk getting it on your line, where it may repel some fish.

No hooks on guides

Never hang fishing hooks on your guides. The barbs can leave scratches on guides and even pull them off.

Test your rod's guides

Any fishing buff worth his or her salt knows how important it is to inspect a rod's line and roller guides to make sure that they're tight and free of any rough spots.

  • Test the guides for roughness by pulling a strip of old pantyhose through each one. If it hits a snag, the guide may need to be replaced, although you can try to smooth it by gently filing it.
  • Also check the wrapping around each guide's base; if it needs to be reglued, use a two-part epoxy. Don't use fast-setting glue; it can make rods brittle and can cause cracking.

Don't pop the cork

  • Lightweight, durable, and eminently graspable, a cork handle remains a popular feature on many fishing rods.
  • Cork doesn't require much care, either. Just be sure to let it air-dry after every fishing trip to prevent mildew.
  • You can also give handles an occasional cleaning with some mild soapy water on a damp cloth. Don't use chemicals or solvents, which can disintegrate the cork.
  • Also, don't anchor hooks in the cork; the holes will trap dirt and oils.

Keep fish on the line

  • How well you treat your fishing line will ultimately determine if you land the catch of the day or bemoan the one that got away.
  • Monofilament is the most delicate type of fishing line and needs to be replaced every year (or two at the most).
  • This popular type of fishing line can be damaged by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and should be stored a cool, dry area.

Cleaning your gear

  • Rinse off your lines, reels and lures with a gentle mist of mild soapy water to remove dirt and odours after fishing, especially if you were fishing in saltwater.
  • Don't use a high-pressure spray on reels, because it can push salt and other debris into the inner components, where it can cause corrosion.
  • Make sure all your fishing gear is thoroughly dry before putting it away.
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