4 things to consider when buying a camping mattress

December 23, 2014

Do you love the outdoors but hate how uncomfortable your sleep can be while camping? Here are some helpful tips on what to consider before you purchase your next camping mattress.

4 things to consider when buying a camping mattress

1. Type of mattress

There are many different types of camping mattresses available today, such as sleeping pads, foam mattresses, inflatable mattresses and sleeping mats. No matter what type you decide on, each one has its own benefits for different environments.

  • If you’re going on a long portage excursion which will have you carrying a multitude of things on your trip, you may want to opt for a thinner foam mat that is easy to roll up and carry.
  • If you’re going camping in a slightly colder environment, a foam mattress is your best bet to keep you insulated and warm through the night.
  • Though inflatable mattresses are great at keeping you off the ground, they don't do a great job of keeping you warm.

Make sure to assess your environment and situation before you select your camping mattress.

2. Mattress size

The size of the mattress you pick will affect comfort and logistics of your trip.

  • First, make sure you know how big your tent is since you don’t want a situation where you’ve lugged your mattress all the way to the camp site, only to find that it doesn’t fit.
  • If you’re of a slightly larger build, look out for a mattress that is longer than the conventional mattress to ensure your comfort.

3. Mattress comfort

Of course, sleeping while camping isn't going to be the same as sleeping in your cozy bed, but that doesn't mean it has to be comfortable.

  • Sleeping pads are generally a little bit more dense and light in weight. They come in different dimensions so you can get one that covers more surface area if you have more space to work with.
  • Hybrid options that incorporate both the foam and the inflatable mattress on top are probably the most comfortable, but it really depends on your preference of firmness.

4. Mattress quality

With the wide range of camping mattress products out there, quality can be difficult to pinpoint. Before you buy, consider how long you want the mattress to last.

  • If you're planning to keep the mattress for a long period of time or go camping more frequently, you may want to invest in a higher quality mattress made with durable materials and easily replaceable parts.
  • If you are a casual camper, you may want to go for a less expensive product, keeping in mind that this may mean less comfort.

There are many different factors to consider when purchasing your camping mattress. Just remember that at the end of the day, when you’re on an excursion in the middle of the woods the chances are that you’re going to lose something at some point. This is something to keep in mind when setting your budget and making a decision on your camping mattress.

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