Advice on how to get ready for taking a trip with baby

November 23, 2014

Travelling with a baby can be stressful, particularly for first-time parents. But by being ready, you can make any trip a more enjoyable experience.
Whether travelling by plane, train or automobile, pack all the items your baby might need. Your baby's travel needs are very similar to her needs at home: feeding, diapering, playing and sleeping. However, the one major difference is that if your baby cries or fusses at home it is expected. However, during travel, many parents prefer to minimize crying or fussing for the benefit of other travellers. Of course, all babies cry and fuss. Your goal is to avoid a complete baby meltdown.

Toys and entertainment

Pack all of your baby's favorite toys, and don't forget your mobile phone doubles as a toy in a pinch.

  • Younger babies love black-and-white pictures with high-contrast shapes. Download a baby-friendly app on your phone or black-and-white images for "baby stimulation." These serve to distract your baby during boring or fussy times and do not require much space.

Feeding and diapering

Feeding is always an adventure, but feeding a baby while travelling is another experience entirely.

  • A two-month-old infant requires only breast milk or formula. An older baby will need solid foods in addition to milk, which can be pre-packed in plastic containers or baggies. Nursing your baby requires less preparation. Formula comes in ready-to-feed options in disposable bottles as well.

Diapering your baby is easy at home, but in a cramped bathroom, it can be a challenge. Before placing your child on the changing table, have everything out and ready.

  • Consider dressing your baby in the most comfortable clothing. It is faster to change a zip-up play-and-sleep outfit than layers of clothing.


"Baby-wearing" is a new term for an old concept. For centuries, parents have transported their babies by wearing them close to their bodies in the back or front. Babies tend to cry less and become easily soothed when being carried this way. This is a great option for families who want to move efficiently through connections.

  • Consider buying or making a pack for your baby while travelling. There are many options, from padded seat-belt-looking contraptions to a simple, long piece of fabric tied securely around you and your baby.


Avoiding tears might be completely impossible, but you can do your best to minimize the situation. Some believe that babies cry during take-off and landing because of pressure in their ears.

  • Depending on the age of your baby, you can try to soothe her with a pacifier, bottle or nursing.

If flying, use the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority's website to make sure the items you want to take for your baby are permitted on the plane. With a little preparation, you can travel with your baby and make it a pleasant adventure for everyone—you, baby, and your fellow travellers!

Advice on how to get ready for taking a trip with baby
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