Putting an end to toothaches once and for all

November 27, 2013

A painful toothache can really ruin a person’s day. But getting a sore tooth tended to right away will let you relieve the pain and start living again.

Putting an end to toothaches once and for all

Do you remember your first toothache? Probably not—more than likely, you were no older than 6 months of age, the very first time you fought against the awful pain as new teeth began growing in. Whether from the day you started teething or from your first cavity or from gum disease, you should know that there is a way to calm a toothache. Better still, it is even possible to prevent it.

To calm baby

Baby is moody, wakes up often, drools endlessly, and has a low fever? Those are all symptoms of teething, and they indicate that your little one is probably in a lot of discomfort. A red, inflamed gum doesn’t lie; before long, baby will have a new tooth. Help him or her get through this stage by offering a teething ring to chew on. A soft teething ring filled with water or non-toxic gel can provide instant relief, if you take the time to refrigerate it first. Cold is a first-rate natural anti-inflammatory that will dull the pain. You can also gently massage the gum with a facecloth dipped in cool water, or simply rub the gum with your finger.

Whether you are thinking of administering baby some acetaminophen, a homeopathic product, or even a topical gel, it is always preferable to ask your pharmacist or doctor for their opinion. Ideally, these medications should be reserved for surges of pain, or for when baby is expected to go to sleep. Make an appointment with the dentist as soon as the first tooth appears.

When a toothache turns into raging pain

Tooth pain, no matter how insignificant, is a sign of a problem. Don’t take this symptom lightly. Whether it’s a child, adolescent, or adult who is suffering, it is imperative to consult a dentist before the ache turns into raging pain. Only a dentist can precisely assess the cause of your toothache and provide the appropriate care. The most frequent mistake is believing there is no real problem because the pain disappeared on its own after a couple of days. If there was an infection present, your body may have fought it off, but the source problem is still there and chances are you’ll just have to deal with it again at a later time, and with more intensity. Sooner or later, both the infection and the pain will be back with a vengeance.

While you are waiting for your appointment with the dentist, you can relieve some of your discomfort by brushing your teeth several times a day and by flossing to dislodge foods that may be stuck between your teeth. Although brushing will not stop the pain, it will stop the inflammation from intensifying. Ask your pharmacist if you can use ibuprofen; this painkiller may temporarily help soothe your pain.

Prevention is all that is needed

Anyone can avoid a toothache, unless they’re in a crib. It is very easy. Just brush your teeth after every meal, floss at least once a day, and visit your dentist regularly. Prevention is always the best solution.

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