4 tips for helping your kids thrive after a move

November 14, 2014

4 tips for helping your kids thrive after a move

1. Get preschoolers in on the fun

Preschoolers, who are likely still home-centric, are often easier to move than children who have started school.

  • Show younger kids pictures of your new home and their room and get them involved in how they want to decorate it.
  • It'll get them excited and have them feel like a part of the process.

2. Give older children control

Moving can be tough on school-aged kids, as they disrupt relationships and peer groups. Also, children who frequently move can have trouble making new friends. What can parents do to minimize the disruption? Here are some important suggestions.

Lay the groundwork
Well in advance, talk to your kids, especially the older ones, about the move.

  • Give them as much information as you can about their new home and school, and, if possible, put them in touch with their new teachers.
  • The school may have social media pages that your kids can engage with as well, to start familiarizing themselves with their new friends and surroundings.

Get them involved
Older children can participate in the move by helping to pack their own things and also helping younger siblings.

  • By packing these possessions, older children can feel that they are actively involved in the moving process, helping them feel a bit more in control.

3. Get into your new community

Once you've settled into your new home, maximize your exposure.

  • This might include joining an organization, like volunteering efforts or summer camps.
  • This could get both you and your children out into the community, helping new friendships blossom.

4. Push, but not too hard

Remember to give kids some breathing space. Let them adjust to their new surroundings without overloading commitments.

  • A good push plays to their interests. So if your son or daughter is a soccer enthusiast, find a team for them to join.
  • If your child loves to draw and paint, check out clubs at school or at the local community centre.

Forming a bond with other children with similar interests will be easier for them than in a random classroom setting.

By preparing children for the move, getting them engaged in the process and helping them explore their interests in their new community, parents can help pave the way for a happier move.

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