7 essential packing tips for moving

November 14, 2014

Whether you're moving across the city or country, the idea of starting a new chapter in your life can be exciting and overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get started.

7 essential packing tips for moving

1. Take time to purge

While you're packing, take the opportunity to sort through and get rid of the things you no longer need: sell, donate, recycle or throw them out.

2. Pack smart

  • Pack heavier items at the bottom of each box.
  • Place smaller items into plastic bags or smaller boxes, then seal them and place them toward the top of standard-sized boxes.
  • Stuff soft and pliable items into gaps to maximize your space and cushion fragile items; pairs of socks, scarves, gloves and linens are ideal for this purpose.

3. Limit weight and contents

For safety in lifting, ensure that none of your packed boxes weigh over 45 pounds. All of your boxes should be properly sealed and stacked flat.

4. Label accordingly

  • Use a marker to label each box in terms of its final destination room.
  • Boxes can be labelled for delivery to a bedroom, kitchen or garage.
  • Mark boxes containing fragile items accordingly with bold letters.

5. Be efficient

  • If you're pressed for time, consider keeping your clothes inside of dresser drawers.
  • If you're disassembling furniture, place any hardware in a clear bag and tape it securely to the furniture's underside.

6. Delegate the workload

If the whole family is moving, they should share in the workload.

  • If they're old enough, kids can help pack their own rooms using the tips above.
  • Try and make it a fun family activity — remind them that new beginnings are an exciting adventure.
  • Create a task list on a whiteboard so the whole family can see it and check things off as they're finished.

7. Hire professional help

If moving feels like too big of a job to handle alone, remember that your resources at your disposal. A professional moving company can help with every phase of your move, from packing boxes to transport to unpacking in your new home.

Moving can be stressful, but these tips will help you reduce stress levels and have a successful move.

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