Different ways that an ADHD diagnosis can actually be beneficial

November 14, 2014

It's hard to imagine anyone getting excited about having ADHD. When this condition is diagnosed, however, it's important to look on the bright side, because in reality, not all ADHD symptoms are negative. While many symptoms of ADHD make things more difficult, there are a few that actually have a positive effect on people's lives.

Different ways that an ADHD diagnosis can actually be beneficial

High energy

Having high levels of energy is one of the many symptoms of ADHD. It's so prevalent, in fact, that guides are written on how to differentiate between whether a child has the condition or just has lots of energy. For those in careers that consider high energy an asset, such as acting or sports, the symptom can be beneficial. Moreover, such high energy can help a person complete important errands or chores more quickly and efficiently. The important thing is to harness this energy, rather than let it run out of control.

Living in the moment

One of the most difficult aspects of ADHD to treat is impulsiveness. Many individuals with ADHD say or do things that they later regret. However, impulsiveness is another symptom that can be positive if controlled. This character trait essentially equates to living with awareness of what's right in front of you and appreciating the present moment — a state of mind which many people strive for in their own lives.

Noticing the important things

An unfortunate symptom of ADHD is the inability to focus on certain things. In most cases, though, these are things that the individual doesn't find interesting. When it comes to activities or subjects that do capture their imagination, their focus often sharpens considerably. This is known as hyperfocus, and for those who take advantage of it, there's no telling how advantageous it can be when they pursue the careers or hobbies of their dreams.

Creative thinking

Most of those who suffer from ADHD find it annoying or frustrating that their mind frequently jumps from one thing to the next. However, scientific research shows that this particular symptom indicates heightened creativity, likely due to the fact that the mind of an ADHD-afflicted person is running non-stop. People with ADHD go quickly from one thought to the next, and this ability to generate new ideas is especially beneficial for those interested in careers such as writing, architecture, marketing or engineering.

It is said that every cloud has a silver lining, and this couldn't be more true than in the case of ADHD. While the condition will definitely requires some level of adaptation, the benefits could easily outweigh the negatives in the end.

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