How to spot signs of wear on your roof

July 27, 2015

Protecting your home against roof leaks

A sturdy roof is possibly your best home investment. The problem is you often don’t know you have a leak until you see the peeling wallpaper or damp spots.  You can go a long way to preventing leaky roof damage by following these steps.

How to spot signs of wear on your roof

Getting to grips with your roof

The condition of your roof is down to several factors. The materials used to make your roof, the quality of workmanship and the climate you live in all contribute to the shape it’s in. If you know what signs to look for, you can nip a leaky roof problem in the bud. It’s a good idea for you to do at least one inspection a year.

Signs of wear

On a sunny day, do an external inspection of you roof. Keep your eyes peeled for the followings signs of wear and tear.

  • Bare spots on asphalt surfaces: Over time, the granular surface protecting shingles wears away and asphalt hardens. Check your gutters for accumulation of granules.
  • Bare shingles: It doesn’t matter how small a space it is, if a section of your roof is laid bare to the weather, it's bad news. If you see a damaged shingle, replace it right away. High winds, falling branches or icy conditions can all cause shingle damage.
  • Buckling: Does your roof have a lumpy, wavy look? If so, the shingles are getting old and buckling is making it easier for water to get through to your home. You can replace a patch of shingles but if the buckling appears all over, you need to call the roofer.
  • Curling shingles: If your asphalt tiles are curling out at the edges they can be easily torn by wind and ice. Curling hints at moisture build up and poor attic ventilation.
  • Clawing: Clawing is the opposite of curling. It’s when asphalt shingles curl under and is a normal signs of an ageing roof. If your roof is covered with clawing shingles, it will need to be replaced soon.

Easy roof protection

A solid roof protects your home. If you keep an eagle eye on the condition of your roof and get it fixed as soon as you see a serious problem, you can sleep tight!

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