Simple solutions for cleaning granite

July 28, 2015

Knowing whether your countertops are really granite is vital because some cleaners safe for granite may react negatively with other stones. Here are some simple steps to keep granite clean.

Simple solutions for cleaning granite

1. Determine the finish

To aid cleaning granite, you need to know the different types of surface finishes to your granite. They vary from raw stone to highly polished stone to chemically sealed stone. This helps decide what cleaning approach to take and, once known, cleaning the stone is easy. The best approach is always the simplest.

2. Wipe away sand & dirt

  • To care for granite, keep it clean from sand and dirt, especially on flat surfaces, where it can be ground down by the soles of shoes. The grit can scratch the stone.
  • For walls, floors and other such surfaces, use either a vacuum cleaner or a dry dust mop.
  • For bench tops and tables, dust with a clean, dry rag.
  • Wipe up spills immediately to avoid any staining.
  • With due care, cleaning granite won't become an effort.

3. To clean granite countertops

  • Start by using only warm water on kitchen and bathroom counters, wiping with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Let caked-on food soak a bit before wiping. You should be able to remove spills, crumbs, sauces and other things this way. If not, then add a little dishwashing liquid to the water.
  • Rinse well with lots of clean water. Too much soap can leave a film or cause streaking.
  • Avoid stronger cleaning products, such as bath and tile cleaners or scouring powders, as these can stain or scratch your stone.

4. To remove difficult stains

Keep it simple and be patient. Most stains are solid residue jammed in between the crystals of the stone after the liquid that carried it has evaporated. The trick is to put the solid back into liquid form so it can be removed. First, determine whether your stain is water-based (for example, from spilled orange juice) or oil-based (salad dressing).

If the stain is water-based --

  • Pour hot water (from the tap, not the kettle) on the stain and let it stand for a few minutes.
  • Wipe away the excess water.
  • Stack a few paper towels on the stain and saturate with hot water.
  • Cover with a piece of plastic (plastic wrap will do) and a flat, heavy weight, such as a cast-iron frying pan.
  • Let it stand for about 10 hours or overnight.
  • Throw away the paper towels, and the stain should go with them.
  • Let the spot dry and then observe. If some of the stain is still present, repeat the treatment.

If the stain is oil-based –

  • Follow the same procedure, only instead of water, use acetone (but do not heat).
  • After the 10 hours is up, throw away the paper towels and rinse the spot with clean water. If necessary, repeat.
  • Acetone can be found in the paint thinner section of most hardware and house ware stores and in supermarkets.
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