Some easy on-the-go exercises

September 28, 2015

To live a healthy life, you must incorporate exercises into your routine. But even when you're away from your home and gym, you can still keep active. Here are a few easy exercises to try when you're on the go.

Some easy on-the-go exercises

Balance ball rolls

  1. Kneel on a mat or carpeted floor with a balance ball in front of you. Clasp your hands together and place your hands, wrists and forearms on the ball.
  2. Lift your feet and shins off the floor and balance on your knees, leaning slightly into the ball.
  3. Press into the ball with your hands and forearms and roll the ball forward, pivoting on your knees until your body is extended at about a 45-degree angle from the floor (you'll feel your abdominal muscles "engage" to hold this position and stabilize your spine). Pause, then contract your abs to pull your body back to the starting position.

Concentration curls

  1. Sit on a balance ball or the edge of a chair with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Hold a weight in your right hand.
  2. Bend slightly from the hips (keeping your back straight) and extend your right arm toward the floor, resting the elbow against the inside of your thigh. Place your left hand on your left leg for support.
  3. Slowly bend your right elbow, curling the weight toward your right shoulder. Pause at the top of the lift, then slowly lower back to the starting position.
  4. Complete a set with your right arm, then repeat with the left.

Bird dog

  1. Kneel on your hands and knees on a carpeted floor or mat. Keep your back straight and your head and neck in line with your back.
  2. Extend your left leg and then your right arm, bringing them in line with your back or slightly higher than your torso, if possible. Your fingers and toes should be pointed. Pause, squeezing your gluteal (buttocks) and back muscles to maintain balance.
  3. Return to the starting position, then repeat on the opposite side.
  4. Alternate for a full set on each side.

Alternating punches

  1. Lie back on a balance ball so that it supports your torso from your neck to your mid-back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. With your right hand, hold a dumbbell over your chest with your arm extended and your palm facing your feet so the weight is positioned horizontally. With your left hand, hold a dumbbell beside your chest, also horizontally but at right angles to the other weight (that is, parallel to your torso).
  3. Slowly lower the weight in your right hand, rotating your wrist as you come toward your body so the weight ends up beside your chest.
  4. Immediately press the left weight up, rotating your wrist so your arm is extended with the dumbbell horizontal. Pause, then lower the weight back to the starting position.
  5. Alternate for a full set on each side.

Give these exercises a try the next time you're on the go to help you keep fit while away from your home and gym.

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